DirkRockface this what the console write
Loading fastfile mod
Loading fastfile mod_load
Loading fastfile mod_patch
Adding prioritized sound bank "mod.all" from zone "mod"
Adding prioritized sound bank "wpn_m32_titus.all" from zone "mod"
Connecting to [Ezz] Buried #3 [Bank/Rankups] && more -
Built adjacency info for IPaks 129ms
Connecting to [Ezz] Buried #3 [Bank/Rankups] && more -
Connecting to [Ezz] Buried #3 [Bank/Rankups] && more -
Connecting to [Ezz] Buried #3 [Bank/Rankups] && more -
Connecting to [Ezz] Buried #3 [Bank/Rankups] && more -
Connecting to [Ezz] Buried #3 [Bank/Rankups] && more -
Connecting to [Ezz] Buried #3 [Bank/Rankups] && more -
execing default_zm_gamesettings.cfg
execing default_mp_gamesettings.cfg
execing zm/gamesettings_default.cfg
completed execing zm/gamesettings_default.cfg
execing zm/gamesettings_tdm.cfg
completed execing zm/gamesettings_tdm.cfg
cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFrag is cheat protected
cg_drawCrosshair is cheat protected
cg_drawCrosshairNames is cheat protected
ui_hud_hardcore is cheat protected
'24' is not a valid value for dvar 'sv_maxclients'
Domain is any integer from 1 to 18
scr_xpscale is read only
revive_time_taken is cheat protected
execing default_mp_gametypes.cfg
Unknown command "resetCustomGametype"
completed execing default_mp_gametypes.cfg
completed execing default_mp_gamesettings.cfg
execing zm/gamesettings_default.cfg
completed execing zm/gamesettings_default.cfg
execing zm/gamesettings_zclassic.cfg
completed execing zm/gamesettings_zclassic.cfg
completed execing default_zm_gamesettings.cfg
Loaded menu file: ui/t6/dvarleftrightselector.lua
Loaded menu file: ui/t6/mainlobby.lua
Loaded menu file: ui/t6/menus/partyprivacypopup.lua
Loaded menu file: ui/t6/mods.lua
Loaded menu file: ui/t6/menus/optionscontrols.lua
Loaded menu file: ui/t6/menus/optionssettings.lua
Loaded menu file: ui/t6/menus/safeareamenu.lua
Loaded menu file: ui_mp/t6/menus/editgameoptionspopup.lua
Loaded menu file: ui_mp/t6/menus/privategamelobby_project.lua
Loaded menu file: ui_mp/t6/menus/theaterlobby.lua
Loaded menu file: ui/t6/partylobby.lua
Attempting to connect
Attempting to connect
Attempting to connect
Attempting to connect
Attempting to connect
Attempting to connect
Received connectRes, requesting gts info...
Attempting to connect
Received connectRes, requesting gts info...
Attempting to connect
Received connectRes, requesting gts info...
Received connectRes, requesting gts info...
Received connectRes, requesting gts info...
Received connectRes, requesting gts info...
Received connectGTSRes, requesting mod dl info...
Received connectRes, requesting gts info...
Received connectGTSRes, requesting mod dl info...
Received connectRes, requesting gts info...
Received connectGTSRes, requesting mod dl info...
Received connectGTSRes, requesting mod dl info...
Received connectGTSRes, requesting mod dl info...
Received connectGTSRes, requesting mod dl info...
Received mod dl info response!
[mod dl] mod already downloaded, joining server...
No mods to download!
Correct fs_game with server...!
Connecting to the server now!
Unloading fastfile ui_zm
Unloading fastfile en_ui_zm
Unloading fastfile patch_ui_zm
Loaded menu file: ui_mp/t6/hud/team_marinesopfor.lua
Loaded menu file: ui_mp/t6/hud/class.lua
Loaded menu file: ui_mp/t6/hud/scoreboard.lua
Loaded menu file: ui_mp/t6/hud/spectateplayercard.lua
Loaded menu file: ui_mp/t6/hud/loading.lua
Loaded menu file: ui_mp/t6/zombie/hudcompetitivescoreboardzombie.lua
Loaded menu file: ui_mp/t6/zombie/hudcompetitivescoreboardzombieog.lua
DB_FlushGump 0
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
DB_FlushGump 1
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
DB_FlushGump 2
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
DB_FlushGump 3
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
DB_FlushGump 0
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
DB_FlushGump 1
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
DB_FlushGump 2
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
DB_FlushGump 3
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
DB_FlushGump 0
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
DB_FlushGump 1
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
DB_FlushGump 2
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
DB_FlushGump 3
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'r_brightness'
Domain is any number from 0.5 to 1.5
Loading fastfile zm_buried_patch
Loading fastfile zm_buried
Loading fastfile en_zm_buried
Loading fastfile so_zclassic_zm_buried
Loading fastfile en_so_zclassic_zm_buried
Overridden mapEnts: maps/mp/zm_buried.d3dbsp
Built adjacency info for IPaks 30ms
Received stray connectGTSRes
Received stray mod dl info packet
Received stray connectGTSRes
Received stray mod dl info packet
Received stray mod dl info packet
Received stray mod dl info packet
Received stray mod dl info packet
====================== COM_ERROR (1) ===============
DB_FlushGump 0
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
DB_FlushGump 1
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
DB_FlushGump 2
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
DB_FlushGump 3
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'r_brightness'
Domain is any number from 0.5 to 1.5
DB_FlushGump 0
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
DB_FlushGump 1
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
DB_FlushGump 2
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
DB_FlushGump 3
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'r_brightness'
Domain is any number from 0.5 to 1.5
Unloading fastfile so_zclassic_zm_buried
Unloading fastfile so_zclassic_zm_buried
Unloading fastfile zm_buried
Unloading fastfile zm_buried_patch
DB_FlushGump 0
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
DB_FlushGump 1
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
DB_FlushGump 2
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
DB_FlushGump 3
Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent
Loading fastfile patch_ui_zm
Loading fastfile en_ui_zm
Loading fastfile ui_zm
Built adjacency info for IPaks 27ms
[STEAM] 1 calls ready, running...
[STEAM] running call 2
Hitch warning: 4690 msec frame time on main thread