Blackscreen T4 WAW
Everytime i try to load into WAW I get a blackscreen![alt text]( image url)
Make sure your game is closed before doing that.
Go to%localappdata%\Plutonium\storage\t4\players
Open the config file with the notepad to edit it.
is for singleplayer/zombies andplutonium_mp.cfg
is for multiplayer
Change these 4 dvars to be like below (you can use ctrl+f to search for them)seta r_fullscreen "0" seta r_noborder "1" seta vid_xpos "0" seta vid_ypos "0"
Resxt The is no plutomium cfg
Go in the bootstrapper (the cmd that opens with the game) then paste this command (right click)
r_fullscreen 0;r_noborder 1;vid_ypos 0;vid_xpos 0;vid_restart
and press enter
Wait for a minute and try to access the game. If it doesn't work try restarting the game -
Resxt sorry to dissapoint but it still doesent work Com_TouchMemory: 0 msec. Using sum: