ZM - All weapon skin pack by mwnxd (me)
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Naomi_ Skin is Dope Just when you Pack the PaP camo Goes over the skin so it just looks weird if you could somehow Fix it it'd be sick cuz i love the Skins Really Creative been looking to make Skins Myself Along with Camos for Zombies (I don't fully Understand it yet)
or if you have any quick Fixes or camos that i can use that don't make it look like this id really appreciate it thanks for making this dope ass skin
Memeking254 i cant fix that cuz i think its not my skin the problem but the pap skin in bo2
Naomi_ Well Damn
Naomi_ also i just made a pink PaP camo Victis only though Might re-add your Weapon Skins and see how it looks Cuz i think it may Fix the issue in the screenshot above ill add a screenshot here of how of how it looks after i test it a bit
Memeking254 said in ZM - All weapon skin pack by mwnxd (me):
Naomi_ also i just made a pink PaP camo Victis only though Might re-add your Weapon Skins and see how it looks Cuz i think it may Fix the issue in the screenshot above ill add a screenshot here of how of how it looks after i test it a bit
Update 100% Fixed your Weapon Skin the Color is a bit Different but Honestly it looks Cooler Being a Slightly Different Color
to me that is Absolutely perfect my pink Camo and your skins are not bad at all
can you make just the guns have rainbow camo
looks good on it
This skin pack is awesome. 1 question tho, when I drag a different camo file to replace it for a certain weapon, (for example, your MP5 camo) I have the new camo but I still have the white swirls on the gun. Is there a file I need to delete for the gun that gets rid of the white swirls?
@Toga_ Hey, just go to ur images folder, search the weapon name and remove the specular file, it look like this :
A file with the name of the weapon and S or SP at the end, just remove it and enjoy -
DA663R Can you send me your camos pack?
DA663R Can you send me the download link for that pack?
Naomi_ i tried to take off this custom camo so i could test others out and it like stained my guns is the best way i can explain it. I cant find any files of it in ANY of the folders for it to still be affecting my game but it still is. Please help.
DA663R can u send it to me? Its beaultiful
Hey bro where can I get the gloves and checked sleeves (Post 22 of 27)
Where can I get those CIA gloves in "Post 22 of 27" they look really good
@Toga_ Where can i get those cool CIA gloves (Post 22 of 27) they look amazing
edvinasrop stop the spam
Xerxes He don't reply that's why I message 3 times
So what? He doesn't own you anything (and even if he does use another platform).
i cant figure out the basics of putting on a camo someone on youtube was saying dds and iwi files all i get is what looks like a seperate window looking like google with the file name as a url and a blank screen