Cant Get 1440p 165hz?
Hi so I was running plutonium fine before at 1440p 144hz, but I recently figured out I could overclock my monitor to get 165hz.
But whenever I load up the game now in this new Res/Refresh rate, it doesn't let me change it to 1440p with 165hz. highest I can get is 1920x1440.
I have tried r_mode, vid_restart, r_aspectRatio, I have newest Directx, and I have tried looking in config files but I cannot locate those either.
Does anyone know how to fix this? or if its even possible to run 1440p-165hz.
(P.s. i was running bo2 fine at over 200fps at high/extra settings, so i dont think hardware is the issue here)
I've kinda had this issue. I think it has to do with the overclocking I think. When I got my new computer about a month ago, for some reason, now my resolution could increase from 1080p to 2160p and 2560 x 1440 to 5120 x 1440 even if my monitor does not support that. When I click on that resolution, it just makes my screen super big (obviously) but it's not like I forced that option to show up. I honestly do not know if it had to do with overclocking your system causing you to only go to 1920 x 1440. (btw do not try 1920 x 1440. Aspect ratio's not good at all.) I got a new monitor to overcome overclocking my refresh rate.
@GOLD3N4RM Darn okay. i mean i can easily get 2560x1440p and 144hz, but that requires me to turn on and off overclocking on my monitor, then it just boots up perfectly without me having to change Res or Aspect Ratio. I also dont have the budget for a new monitor that has a native Refresh Rate above 144hz and is also 1440p, so im hoping someone can help me out