[MP] HUD Killstreak Counter
A simple killstreak counter that displays the player's current kill streak on top of the screen.
All the credits for this script go to Kalitos.
I just slightly modified and then compiled his IW5 killstreak counter script for T6 and reposted it.Download
Instructions to load the script:::
Source code
#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util; Init() { level thread OnPlayerConnected(); } OnPlayerConnected() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); // Don't thread DisplayPlayerKillstreak() on bots if (isDefined(player.pers["isBot"])) { if (player.pers["isBot"]) { continue; // skip } } player thread DisplayPlayerKillstreak(); } } DisplayPlayerKillstreak() { self endon ("disconnect"); level endon("game_ended"); self.killstreak_text = createFontString( "DEFAULT" , 1 ); self.killstreak_text setPoint( 0, "TOP", 0, -25 ); self.killstreak_text.label = &"^1KILLSTREAK: "; while(true) { if(!IsDefined(self.playerstreak) || self.playerstreak != self.pers["cur_kill_streak"]) { self.playerstreak = self.pers["cur_kill_streak"]; self.killstreak_text setValue(self.pers["cur_kill_streak"]); } wait 0.01; } }
@lResxt This is nice. Thank you Monke King!
Sorry for necro'ing but does anyone got this still
@Embolden sorry I forgot to update my post link after deleting my Google account.
The topic and the download link are updated -
I think the & is overkill since KILLSTREAK is not a localized string.
Nevermind, apparently the game goes schizo without &