[ZM] BO1 Custom Camo Mega Pack (1000+ Camos for Weapons, Maps, Skins & more!)
Just incase anyone curious zip file passes private virus scan as well, don't be scared to check out this dudes hard work just cause its a big file download keep what ya like and delete the rest -
The Megapack has been updated!
RainingZombies i need this pack on bo2
Where are the textures for the white stock guns located? (3rd image down in the preview)
Also where is the red forest map skin located? (4th image down)
They look really nice and I'd like to use them, but a lot of the pack doesn't have previews so I don't know exactly what I'm looking for.I've been kinda exploring the pack for the last hour or so just moving the bits I want into my own personal folder to add to my game later.
This post is deleted!
@Seagraey sorry for the late reply, you probably already found them but the white wood is at Camo Megapack\Camo Packs\It's Raining Camos Again\Bonus Stuff\Wood on Weapons\White
and the red leaves are at Camo Megapack\Camo Packs\5and5's Pack\bo1\map textures\shino\shino in hell -
RainingZombies whats the animated camos for tho? do i put it in iw 42 or something else?
RainingZombies 0_0
RainingZombies This probably asking a lot, but there any way you can send like a smaller sized version? Or is there at least a way I can install all the files individually? Cuz it just won't let me downloads the whole 11 gig folder.
RainingZombies said in [ZM] BO1 Custom Camo Mega Pack (1000+ Camos for Weapons, Maps, Skins & more!):
should be this one \Community Camos\Weapons\Wall Weapons\MPL\Dark Matte
what camo is the m1911 with 1886 on the side
Video instalation is not working. Not sure what should i do...
Hello why I can't play zombie multiple
RainingZombies ! C:\Users\37255\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$DIa8496.42745\iw_42.iwd: Cannot open C:\Users\37255\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$DIa8496.42745\iw_42.iwd
The system cannot find the path specified.
i get this error i need help -
ZncEx you need to open .iwd files with winrar or 7zip
@uniqueusername5 animated camos require a customized patch and a specific .iwd folder. you prob won't really be able to use the ones in the megapack
Christonic i do not have a smaller version, you might need to try downloading it every few days, sometimes the download doesn't work for some reason
Inhab1t not sure of the exact name but its in the community camos section of the pack
good pack icl <β3
guys someone can explain me how can i start at round 10 or something like this pls ? mayb is a cmd command idk pls
backs305 hey, you need to add a patch into your game. here is a download link to a few patches: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1SA6pvzgqbPPRkLYvm1IiIZvytCmD1lo9
All you have to do is grab the "common_zombie_patch.ff" file and drag it into "Call of Duty Black Ops\zone\Common" and make sure to click on replace file.