BO1 window mode colors
So I decided to not use fullscreen in any Plutonium title cause it helps me change from one app to another quicker and it doesn't really affect my fps (it may have even improved them I think). The thing is, colours are different in window mode, they are more saturated.
Is this a bug or is the fullscreen mode the one that doesn't show us game's true colours? Which one is the original? -
The colors are the same, if they're not it's on your side.
If you have a filter on your PC (brightness for night mode, NVIDIA filters or whatever) they might only show in windowed and not in fullscreen -
NatsiMorghila said in BO1 window mode colors:
Which one is the original?
They are both the original, its on you to fine tune the output based on your display, in older cold titles you did that through the gamma setting which obviously only works in fullscreen mode.
Resxt one of my friends tried window mode too and had the same impression, that the colours are more saturated or that in fullscreen they are less saturated. We both use 1366x768 and I like the new colours better but in his case he saw the colors so intense (from being used to the other ones) he disliked window mode immediately
Xerxes I believe it must be a bug or the coding at 1366x768. I'll screenshot both situations and try 1920x1080 so that you can see