Zombies chatbank help
I just started a t6zm server and was wondering how to add the .w and .d commands into my server. I've seen others ask this but im completely confused as this is my first time making a server on bo2. Which makes me require a full explanation.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you. -
I came across this one. But it needs to be compiled. Thats easy enough with a quick search though. I would go into more detail but I am still learning myself
Taeleus Thanks man. Where do I put the files though? Im quite confused there.
Brxxzzy I meant to send this ages ago. My apologies
"Go here and read below where it talks about how to compile a script. It has links to all you need to get it setup and working. Good luck!
Heres what I did, so ymmv
Basically you need to install GSC. You can get that here - https://github.com/xensik/gsc-tool/releases/latest
I made a folder in my C drive and just called it GSC then placed the .exe from the link above in there. Should look like this
Now its there, great, CMD still cant see it. so you need to add this to your PATH.
open a folder and on the left hand side right click "This PC" and select properties. On the right hand side select "Advanced System Settings"
Bottom right select "Environment Variables"
In the "System Variables" section scroll down until you see the PATH variable. Select it then click "Edit"
Click "New" and then enter
select OK, OK again and OK one more timeNOW GSC can be run natively in CMD.
Now to compile the Bank stuff just run the compile.bat file inside of the bank mod, give it a second and then press any key to exit the cmd. It will create a new folder called compiled. Open compiled>t6 you will see a scripts folder. Copy that entire folder.
Now go to
and just paste the script folder in there.Bam, you just compiled the scripts and pasted them in the server. Restart your server and you should have a working bank.
It seems like alot but really if you just follow what I did step-by-step itll work
There may be other ways just like theres plenty of ways to cook a chicken, but my way is what I have done and know works as its working on my server
Taeleus Plays T6ZM
Taeleus Thank you so much, I have followed your instructions but I still haven't gotten it working. I need help with which compiled files go where. I have done all the other steps, just struggling on that one. Thank you again.
Taeleus Never mind man I found out what was wrong and got it working. Thanks for the everything.