Ultimate BO2 Plutonium Camo Pack (25+ weapon camos)
30+ weapon camos for plutonium bo2
Here is showcase
Download Link - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1006EHHIPly3io0Ezq-evsCcAV71TfXYL
AdrX003wrote on Jun 20, 2021, 4:02 PM last edited by AdrX003 Jun 20, 2021, 7:02 PM
Woowww, noice
that mustve taken qute a time -
zorix_ wow some really nice ones in there, great work!
Dss0 thank you
zorix_ Nice! looked it mustve took a century.
zorix_ can you do a blood red ,dark blue or purple diamond camo for bo2 it will be very nice and thankfull
Question: Do these camos only work for multiplayer? or are they for zombies as well? (I havent installed this yet so if you have any corrections, you know why)
hey man im having difficulties with the google drive. im doing everything im supposed to (i believe) and it wont work. anyway we can vc and u can see what im doing wrong? if so it would be super helpful. thank you
zorix_ i can use in zombies mode?
@zailax09ever find out?
This wont work on zombies mode right?
Kubashi That's right
how to use it?