is there a way to remove animation perk?
Re: [Release] [Zombies] Wunderfizz Script (All Maps)
Can someone help me,
is there a way to remove animation perk?
so that as soon as I get the perk it already appears on the hudalguém pode me ajudar,
tem como remover animação do perk?
para que assim que eu pegar o perk ele já apareça no hud -
RafaelVga_ If you mean drinking animation you can change the
player thread givePerk(perklist[j]);
player maps/mp/zombies/_zm_perks::give_perk(perklist[j], 0);
which should do the trick.
@dontknowletsplay Thanks!
@dontknowletsplay but where I need to put it on console or if not in the config file and location?
@Mr-Red234 You change that line in the file before compiling it