Searching a GSC developer for a project
Hi there !
I'm currently trying to get it a custom script for my servers but i can't seem to find anyone that could develop it for me
So i'm asking here in the hope that you guys would know someone that could do it, i can pay i don't really care xd
It would be a ranking system for BO2 zm, would go to 1 to 100, price getting higher exponentially, synced with my bank plugins/database ofc
Before anything: it should work with NSM xd, i do not use IW4M -
To be explained more deeply:
I have a bank plugin that store money from the players each time they !deposit amount etc, that fill up a database
I'd like players to have the ability to use a !rankup command, that will use money from their bank account from the database
!rankup will add +1 level to the player account, maximum level is 100, each time a player rankup, the price of the rankup get higher using round((10000 * (rank ^ 4)) / 5) as calculating formula
Ranking up will make the player get more money for all of is actions (killing zombies, phd kill, knife... etc)
Rank of the players must also be added to his clantag, just before his name in the chat like [rank] username (must be the same in the TAB too) -
So basically, you want the old fed rankup script?
@asunaahhh Hi
Yeah, that was the idea, but with some changes and there was more things to do than only that ^^
I got someone on it tho so yeah i'm gonna close the post xd
Have you found one? I am also looking for one?