[MP ONLY] Ca.rbon BO2 Sound Remaster
Rip_Lucifer yeah.. weird. anyone is welcome to mess around with my files and see whats up. moved on from bo2.
ca.rbon this could just be hunch, but maybe the audio files from MP to ZM might be a slight bit edited between each other. (this is just a theory i could be wrong) and that is probably why the audio files you made for MP doesnt work for ZM
This needs to be made for zombies. It sounds amazing!
bumping to see if people would still like this for zombies
ca.rbon yes, i still stand by and ask if this can be made for Zombies, it would be amazing to hear this high quality sounds in amazing maps like buried, origins, and mob
Rip_Lucifer tienes alguna solucion a eso? y si la tienes pasala porfas
Hey, not to seem like a hater, but i don't like the sniper sounds (i.e Ballista and XPR-50) as they sound very dull, but the other weapons sound amazing. The problem i have with those snipers is that they sound so dull and uninteresting to me, as they don't have a good area of effect sound (which gives the gun that bass and hard knock), but the DSR-50 sounds so much better than the original gun sound. But otherwise, this is an amazing sound mod. You did really good with the sounds, even though i would prefer BO2 Weapons Remastered sound mod, just for the Ballista and XPR-50, but for every weapon (except for the Ballista and XPR-50), i prefer this sound mod over BO2 Weapons Remastered because the sounds for the guns with that mod sounds like metal clinging over a gunshot... This mod is just... AMAZING!!!
Beamxrz- yeah i mean u can just edit them urself.
Oh... Well, ok. I never knew that, but I didn't want to mess anything up, so I just kept it the same. Plus I don't know the sound files for the Ballista and XPR-50. I love the new sounds over the original sounds, as those sound oversaturated.
Beamxrz- https://github.com/master131/Black-Ops-II-Sound-Studio use this and open cmn_root.all.sabl. the names should be something like ballista_fire or something. i cant remember
ca.rbon is it possible you can make this for zombies?
Rip_Lucifer im not sure what causes the issue but i will when i find out
ca.rbon i wish the best of luck! will be excited if and when this will be made for zombies!
ca.rbon i saw someone the other have the snoop dog voice pack from ghost in bo2 i would love to see it
ca.rbon Hey, I managed to find the files for the Ballista, but sadly, couldn't find the XPR-50 sound files, and I replaced the sound files for some that give the Ballista a amazing bass and reverb, so I replaced the fire and the sniper decay sounds. I kept the bolt rechamber sound the same and I think it sound great... Now, I think this mod is really amazing. You did a really good job on this mod, and I hope you go on to make even more projects like this... I will send you a video of what the Ballista sounds like when I have free time.
Beamxrz- hey, seeing as you done that. is it possibly you could transfer the sounds to zombies mode seeing at the original creator seems to not want to do it?
Rip_Lucifer thats not the issue. zombies and mp both share the same common sound files for the most part. for some reason though it doesn't like one of the changes and doesn't allow the game to load into a zombies map. im ASSUMING its something along the lines of a sound not being cut at the same length as the original. But trying to find this file (if im right) within the entire library is like finding a needle in a haystack.
i'd have to export and check basically every sound since i don't have a list of every single sound i changed.
even then if that were the issue the game would generally crash on startup. but i can't think of anything else.
if anyone wants to give it a go i'd appreciate it
Beamxrz- please do 🤍
Beamxrz- just remembred the game calls the xpr-50 as as50 internally.
Rip_Lucifer There is already a weapon sounds mod for the zombies weapons.
Download (Core Weapons): https://gamebanana.com/sounds/download/59674#FileInfo_770658
Download (DLC Zombie Weapons): https://gamebanana.com/sounds/download/59674#FileInfo_784748