CoD 2: Bot Warfare problems...
Hey, I'm having problems trying to set up Bot Warfare for CoD 2. I did everything right, but every time I open "z_deploy", I always get a "ui_mp\" script compile error.
Then every time I open the Shortcut, it loads me into the game, but when it's about to load up the map, the console crashes the game because of a "" script compile error. Is there any solutions to fix this?
You're not gonna get help for an unrelated game here
Resxt I know, but I've been trying to see if people on here knew how to set up Bot Warfare for CoD 2. Turns out no-one in here plays CoD 2, which sucks... I actually bought the game and my REG key, but every time I try to play online, I get a Permanent Ban before I even join, rendering the game literally unplayable for me. Then I found out "INeedBots" made a Bot Warfare mod for CoD 2, and it just got updated last month.
But nobody knew how to set it up, so I was seeing if anybody in the off-topic section of the forum knows how to set it up.Plus, I set set everything up correctly, but I'm still getting this message.
But ok... Wasn't trying to waste any of y'all time, I will leave you be... Have a great day.
Beamxrz- You need INeedBots's cod2m project installed too.
JezuzLizard Hey, I just built and compiled the CoD2m DLL, but I'm still having that problem.
Beamxrz- Try setting developer 2 in the console or server config before starting a map. It should show the exact function name that is missing.
JezuzLizard Ok, I see the problem now. It's because of the ui_mp... Here's a video of what it looks like.
Video Link: