Name not allowed?
your name is longer then 12 so it has issues and kicks you
popped32pills my name has 10 letters?
TechInATux I never heard issues with this on MW3, I think he's just saying random things like a lot of people
Maybe some letters combined are an insult in the server's language like "china" idk -
Your old name was "Tech In A Tux" which is probably what caused the issue in the first place. I see you have changed your name and should no longer have any issues.
TechInATux On my server I don't allow usernames with more than 2 spaces. Because players use that to use cheats and can't be reported by name.
Kalitos in my chat commands script I easily added support for multiple spaces args such as
!giveweapon 'Resxt New Player' an94_mp
by checking for simple quotes and doing a strtok on spaces.
I'm sure this could be easily implemented in the the report plugin if someone reports that to the author -
Resxt In fact Raidmax told me that it is possible to use single quotes with names with spaces with the !report command, but players don't know that. So I control names with spaces on my server.
FutureRave you are correct my friend, just had to remove the spaces