I have seen a couple of people say you don't need to compile scripts anymore but I still have to. Is there something I'm doing wrong? do I need to male a new scripts folder?
xsfbfb You need to be on at least Plutonium version r3408 or higher because this is when the compiler was integrated to Plutonium.
JezuzLizard I'm on r3553 but some of the mods I downloaded wouldn't work unless I compiled it.
xsfbfb What mods don't work unless you manually compile?
JezuzLizard Total zombies counter and max health boost and the black ops 2 zombies reimagined, the bo2 reimagined cant be compiled because of his code. I get a error message if I don't compile it and it wont let me play any maps unless I do so.
What exact error message do you get?
Xerxes 108 script error(s):
unresolved external : "struct_class_init" with 0 parameters in "scripts/zm/_zm_reimagined.gsc" at line 1
unresolved external : "meleecombat" with 0 parameters in "scripts/zm/_zm_reimagined.gsc at line 1
**** unresolved external: " -
xsfbfb That isn't a compile error that happens post compilation if the functions cannot be resolved. You are probably not installing the mods properly if this is happening. Remember if the mod is made up of multiple scripts you need every script it uses in the exact folders it uses.
JezuzLizard that error code was from a non compiled mod and the error code was from bo2 my bad I didn't say it was but when i try to compile bo2 rei it says bad syntax in line 685 I have tried some of the other scripts in the bo2 rei mod and they say the same thing just a different line. Also i just download the release that he provided in GitHub, should i just copy the code and paste it into a gsc file. [ I know how to make a gsc file btw]