[Release] [ZM] Transgender Flag Replacing the bad one
Flamez_OwOwrote on May 5, 2023, 1:41 AM last edited by Flamez_OwO May 6, 2023, 6:03 AM
Don't like the evil swastikas' on flags? put a little feminine or masculine twist on em :]
THE EPIC LINK: https://mega.nz/file/3VJ23CDR#4qrRCD7oVbFkwB85n98mI2GgB0z1ZROCK34M1Mam0oY
the nazis! theyre eveywhere and theyre zombies as well🧟
This is a W post
respectfully disagree
Nah i think im keeping the nazis.
respectfully I will say no
i have a feeling a butt hurt person will get mad at all 3 of us for stating opinions
respectfully imma say no, i would not like the nazi zombies im killing to be associated with the trans flag
So we killing trans people instead of nazis?
I think that was the point....
JohnStateFarm LMAO, read up on the Institute of Sexology. The first gender reassignment took place there, then the Nazis burned it down. Everyone involved was either executed or sent to concentration camps.
Flamez_OwO old flag was better tbh
Innocent_Killer proves another point, Nazi's hate themselves
Flamez_OwO Mfs really out here going out of there way to share their views on trans people then accuse trans people of being butthurt. JUST DON'T INSTALL THE MOD.
Flamez_OwO no
Respect trans community, but this kind of looks like if the Trans Reich created a zombie plague hahaha
@MedicSoundwave FaZe Flick this is not a place for politics or opinions.
If you want this download it, if you don't want it close this tab and move on.
This is just a download for those who want, no one is forced to do anything and a COD texture post release is not a place for debates -
right, my bad
notparadoxcs dawg what r u even talking abt