makefakeai() function causes Exception Code: 0xC0000005
Like the title says, this function causes a crash.
Unfortunately, I can not provide the dumps as it reaches the 11mb limit and it's not in the allowed format
Any way I could provide them?
Exception Code: 0xC0000005 Exception Address: 0x005F4604
This should be the minimal code for reproduction:
Note that this was executed in zombies on the map Kino der Toten andself
is the playerbot = spawn( "script_model", self.origin ); bot.angles = self.angles; bot setmodel( self.model ); //bot UseAnimTree( #animtree ); bot makefakeai();
Not all functions are supposed to work or are supported etc
Also for the file part then obviously just use a file uploader like Mediafire or whatever and post the link here? -
bhfff Are you trying to make bots in zombies without bot support? I wouldn't recommend doing so as its very difficult to do so even with bot support. I have a mod for Plutonium T4SP that attempts to do this. It is based on bot warfare and works decently.
The next closest thing to a bot would be an actor but actors aren't intended to simulate real players so it would be an inferior experience.
Anyway I don't know anything about the makefakeai() function but I don't think it would work as you'd need it to. Because you still need path finding and targetting code which real actors have, to make them play like a real player.
I see, it's unfortunate but I'll try to make a work around. Yes indeed I do want to create bots and I know it's complex, but I think it's still possible even if it's kinda ugly.
The idea is to clone the player using
and spawn an ally zombie, then the clone would be attached to the zombie and he would do the walking. (zombie is invisible)I would use a sepatare thread to handle the logic and another one for the animations (like running)
I could put a series of "spots" (just coords) in every zone, and the bot would pick the safest one to go to
it's a bit rudimentary but it could work.
Right now I'm simply trying to apply any kind of animations to the cloned guy, but unfortunately I had no success (perhaps we can not do much with it)
Could be a fun project in pure gsc without any plugins.
As for the crashdumps I think I deleted the original ones as I don't see them anymore, but I don't think
will be implemented anytime soon in zm, so it's not necessaryThanks for the reply!
Test clients (ai) is a planned feature for T5 SP
Until that happens it should not work or crashes may happen.