[Release] [T6] Tranzit Town Wall Buys
Tranzit Town Wall Buys
Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ywrr910ijximqf9/TownWallWeapons1.0.7z/file
I decided to make this mod after playing a game of TranZit with some of my friends and we all downed in town due to a lack of ammo and we were all pretty annoyed. So instead of moving on I spent the better part of 2 days learning GSC, yes this is my first mod, and figuring out how to add wall weapons. After alot of reading old fourms and looking at existing mods and syntax erros, I got there and here is my mod!
What it includes:
Adds an M16 Where the M14 is usually in Town Survival.
Adds back the MP5K where it is in Town Survival.
Adds a Five Seven where the GalvaKnuckles are usually in Town Survival.There is also an installation guide is included in the zip folder
Probably should've started off with this but here it is.
A huge and massive thank you to dontknowletspl on Plutonium / @whydoesanyonecare on GitHub for posting a WallBuy Template that I was then able to adapt into Tranzit and add back the guns. This was the hardest part and it was already done by dontknowletspl so thank you!Another person who was a HUGE help was @JezusLizard on GitHub who uploaded uncompiled versions of his scripts which included custom wall buys and I was able to use it as a cross reference for names, effect names and understanding dontknowletspl's scripts better. so again thank you!
Other Stuff
Virus Scans for all 3 Compiled GSC and the Zip Folder:The XYZ in the left hand corner of the screen will not be there in the files you get as it was a debug only thing in case you're wondering
It hasnt been tested alot on other maps so in case they spawn in random places in other maps, which they shouldn't, please let me know or even take it upon yourself and fix it if you really want to, do anything with my code.
If any of the people I listed in the credits doesn't want me using any of their scripts or using parts please let me know and I will take down my mod and will contact you.
Please leave lots of feedback as it's my first GSC mod and I think it turned out pretty good. Let me know if there's bugs, things you want me to add or just general feedback.
Thanks for reading!
Congratulations for learning by yourself and getting far enough to create your script!
You don't need to provide virus scans for uncompiled GSC files, it's just text with another extension.
Also I would recommend to use something other than Mediafire to make your download permanent (unless you have an account there or something) -
Resxt Thanks for the advice! Ill upload it onto another site or 2 just in case it goes down.
awesome dude although i would sugest to replace mp5 m16 with S12 or chicom or barret or M8A1 or Type 25 sinse theyre already is one in first tunnel and dinner so each place has its unique guns
GhostRider0125 Yeah, I was wondering whether or not I should make them all custom. I was actually planning on adding the type 25 originally but had some trouble, file name in game was type 95 not 25, so I might add that in instead of the m16. I do like the mp5 being there but thats just me lol. Ill defo switch up the m16 some time down the road if I decided to add more weapons to maybe nacht or bus depot as they are also lacking and probably the mp5 with a shotgun or sniper as there arent really any in Tranzit. Thanks for the feedback though!
Cxrrupt2 a single reliable website is enough. Websites that don't require accounts don't always keep the file for years, even more if the download is inactive for a month or more
Cxrrupt2 Since you have not done gsc before and the code you used as base is old i wanted to show how you could make it lil bit better.
You have used "thread" which allow running code after it even if the old function is not done running. Because of this you can use same "wallweaponmonitorbox" and "playchalkfx" functions for all weapons.
Also with loops you should add endons like "level endon("end_game");" which stops the loop running after game ended otherwise the loop can cause issues like crashing.
#include maps\mp\_utility; #include maps\mp\zombies\_zm_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_util; #include maps\mp\zombies\_zm_weapons; #include maps\mp\zombies\_zm_magicbox; init() { if(getdvar("mapname") == "zm_transit") //run only in any transit map { //precaching fx effects might cause issues if game has them already precached //caused error with other script of mine level._effect["wall_b23r"] = loadfx( "maps/zombie/fx_zmb_wall_buy_berreta93r" ); level._effect["wall_m16"] = loadfx( "maps/zombie/fx_zmb_wall_buy_m16" ); level._effect["wall_mp5k"] = loadfx( "maps/zombie/fx_zmb_wall_buy_mp5k" ); flag_wait( "initial_blackscreen_passed" ); thread wallweaponmonitorbox(( 1126.7, 865.359, 10 ), ( 0, 270, 0 ), "m16_zm", 1200, 600 ); thread playchalkfx("wall_m16", ( 1126.7, 865.359, 10 ), ( 0, 270, 0 )); thread wallweaponmonitorbox(( 611, -997, 177.2 ), ( 0, 270, 0 ), "mp5k_zm", 1200, 600 ); thread playchalkfx("wall_mp5k", ( 611, -995, 177 ), ( 0, 270, 0 )); thread wallweaponmonitorbox(( 2428, 438, -5 ), ( 0, 180, 0 ), "fiveseven_zm", 1200, 600 ); thread playchalkfx("wall_b23r", ( 2428, 438, -5 ), ( 0, 180, 0 )); } } playchalkfx(effect, origin, angles) { level endon("end_game"); for(;;) { fx = SpawnFX(level._effect[ effect ], origin,AnglesToForward(angles),AnglesToUp(angles)); TriggerFX(fx); level waittill("connected", player); fx Delete(); } } wallweaponmonitorbox(origin, angles, weapon, cost, ammo ) { level endon("end_game"); name = get_weapon_display_name( weapon ); trigger = spawn("trigger_radius", origin, 0, 35, 80); trigger SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON"); trigger SetHintString("Hold ^3&&1^7 For Buy " + name + " [Cost: " + cost + "] Ammo [Cost: " + ammo + "] Upgraded Ammo [Cost: 4500]"); for(;;) { trigger waittill("trigger", player); if(player usebuttonpressed() && !player maps\mp\zombies\_zm_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() && player can_buy_weapon()) { if( !player has_weapon_or_upgrade(weapon) && player.score >= cost ) { player playsound( "zmb_cha_ching" ); player.score -= cost; player thread weapon_give( weapon, 0, 1 ); if(!isdefined(model)) { play_sound_at_pos( "weapon_show", origin, player ); model = spawn("script_model", origin); model.angles = angles; model setmodel(getweaponmodel( weapon )); } wait 3; } else { if(player has_upgrade(weapon) && player.score >= 4500) { if(player ammo_give(get_upgrade_weapon(weapon))) { player.score -= 4500; player playsound("zmb_cha_ching"); wait 3; } } else if(player hasweapon(weapon) && player.score >= ammo) { if(player ammo_give(weapon)) { player.score -= ammo; player playsound("zmb_cha_ching"); wait 3; } } } } wait .05; } }
dontknowletspl Wow, thank you so much. I actually tried to originally have all the guns in one script like you did but didnt really know how to go about it but this makes alot of sense and looks simple now. Didnt know that loops can run after a game ends so I'll be sure to remember to add endons for future. I figured out how to make it run in transit only but couldn't update the download link but thanks for all the information.