Super easter eggs progress
I downloaded the mod for the solo eggs for the victis crew I just wanna know if they all have to be done back to back or whenever
No need to do them back to back. When you complete 1 it is saved until you activate the safe in buried after completing all 3. You have to complete all 3 for the same side (Richtofen or Maxis) in order to be able to activate the super EE
Thanks man it'll be nice doing these all solo I'll probably end up doing both sides and see which is easier lol
@P00DL3W0Lf_GR I did tranzit yesterday and it looks like it's back to the state before I did the egg is that normal
Codkiller6545 There should a visual effect around the tranzit icon when you select which map to play. Also if you start tranzit got to the cornfield. If you see electricity rising up from the pylon (blue for richtofen / orange for maxis) then the EE is saved. If neither of this occurs then I don't know
@P00DL3W0Lf_GR yeah it got reset same with my navcard table I'm so pissed