Giveperk me
Сan someone tell me if there is a gsc script for issuing perks to oneself?
I know that you can use this code, but it gives out perks to everyone, and I would like only me to have perks. It would be very convenient to get them in the same way as weapons or killstreaks via !giveperk me as in the gsc script examples.OnPlayerSpawned()
self endon("disconnect");
self waittill("changed_kit");
self setperk( "specialty_quickdraw", true, false);
} -
You're pretty vague but I deduce that you're playing with bots and you want perks for yourself only?
Also I deduce that you're talking about my chat commands? Giving perks could easily be implemented with a bit of coding knowledge or when I take the time to do it.Also pasting half of the code instead of linking it is pretty bad, it makes it hard/impossible to help.
I deduced again that you're talking about my script here the OnPlayerConnect function with this
OnPlayerConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); if ( == "Resxt") { player thread OnPlayerSpawned(); } } }
yes thank you very much it worked. But do you know if it is possible to implement getting a perk through the give command directly in the game?
Black-maks I answered that