Re4l Servers banning for cheating/exploiting.
I was top fragging and got a moab 2 games prior, 3rd game on the server and I was banned. Sucks becuase it was a pretty fun server
Theres a youtube link sorry I couldn't get longer game play footage...
they did the same to me too but dont ban actual cheaters like keikou or raisa lmfao
Schlecter we're on a lying spree again? You're that KrKd kid, right? You're literally a bot with cheats
Yazgi lol yeah idk about him I was kinda pooping on these sniper kids then a couple games later got banned it’s whatever I can play other servers which the mods will actually review me before seeing if I deserve a ban… which this is the only server I’ve been banned from
pnw.mk2 well, that's all up to the server owners. Some handed out bans automatically after a certain number of reports for example, so might be the case, but hard to say without knowing the actual reason/method. If you're absolutely certain it's a mistake, try contacting the server owner/admins/moderators and explain the situation.
and footnote on that other dude: he's a confirmed cheater who still begs people to think that he's legit.
Play on another server then.