Getting banned for no reason when playing on the steam deck. Any help?
I got banned once for being on the steam deck, and an admin unbanned and I thought everything would be fine from then on. I recently tried playing bo2 zombies and it says i've been banned... Not really sure what to do tbh. I do not use any type of hacks or anything, i'm just tryna play on my steam deck.
idk man but maybe its something to do with the steam deck? Idk, maybe search it up
Steam decks got excluded from being able to launch the game. Are you sure you are not mixing up the messages?
Xerxes And why so? Because one guy cheated and you decided to ban the entire platform? No wonder why people give you guys so much shit.
No, its because one guy cheated and the difference in the HW is too small to differentiate between them.
So everybody that has a steam deck got linked to the cheater. It's either we block it or everyone having a steam deck linked getting banned.