[GSC][ZM]Solo Die Rise (Richtofen)
chicken emoji ok, thanks for the help
hi everyone idk why but i put the script in C:\Users...\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t6\scripts\zm\zm_highrise
and the script doesnt work how to fix it -
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znchi Super helpful mod, by chance would you be able to make a maxis side version that works as well as this one? The only other maxis side mod is very buggy and doesnt work very well.
Echostars I’ve been working on improving the Maxis one if you’d like to try it out. It’s available here: https://github.com/Hadi77KSA/Die-Rise-Any-Player-EE/
If you happen to try it, I’d greatly appreciate the feedback!
Hadi77KSA Gladly
Normally when i load into a map where i have the solo easter egg, it says (this map) solo quest loaded, but for die rise it isn't appearing. is there something im missing?
@EvanZombie08 This mod doesn't do that but adding it would be good since it would indicate if it worked or not
chicken emoji nevermind i cant change my mods anymore i need to reinstall bo2 cause my game freaked out and now it only loads richtofen's side
I did everything but it's not working...
MrFreez611 make sure you’ve done the following:
- Have placed the gsc file in a path that the game reads, preferably for this mod in:
- Have built the Nav Table.
Note that this mod doesn't show a message in-game indicating it's loaded once the map is started. To determine if it's been loaded successfully, either go through the Easter Egg and perform a step, or check the Plutonium bootstrapper window for if it says the following line when the map is started:
Script "scripts/zm/zm_highrise/highrise-solo.gsc" loaded successfully
- Have placed the gsc file in a path that the game reads, preferably for this mod in:
undefined Hadi77KSA referenced this topic on
I need help I do everything right and I get an error and I can play it please help
does this work for 3 players too