[zm] Misty White Gloves + Dragon Tattoo (TranZit, Buried and Die Rise)
I thought I would share this, I have only recently started to design and play around with skins and gloves, In-fact if you're looking for a custom request contact me or respond down below with what you're looking for
To install the gloves into your game just drop the .iwi inside your Plutonium/storage/t6/images and if you don't see images just create it, simple.
Download Link - https://www.mediafire.com/file/50ff751byjlyt11/%257E-gviewarm_zom_farmergirl_c.iwi/file
If you're having any issues downloading let me know, enjoy. -
cool but i think if you do black and white combo would look way better like complete white or black and lines of black or white
GhostRider0125 Very possible, Thanks for the suggestion I'll make sure to make more including the black and white one.
Can you make me a glove set for the Victus crew that's pure black with some details so it doesn't just look like paint?
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@Kilya brother, can you pass me the time scripts that are seen in the capture, please
can use these in bo1 with the bone crusher animated camos patch or you cannot
no longer works
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