Importing weapons from map to map (zombies)
Hey! Complete noob here. I was wondering if it is possible to import weapons from map to map in Zombies? For example, is it possible to replace the Death Machine in MOTB with the MG08 from Origins. If so, how do I go about doing that?
Thanks in advance!
SKYYOH If you have access to staging(our beta client) you can use this tool to create mods with assets from other maps. If you do not have access to staging this feature will eventually go live to production version of Plutonium at some point.
JezuzLizard Awesome! Thank you!
SKYYOH Hey brot, when you achieve it... write to me on Discord to play
JezuzLizard hey is t5 gonna get some bug fixes soon for weapons showing 0 ammo and unusable from box?