Oops! Plutonium Ran into a Problem and must be closed.
how do i fix this? my crash reference number is 309136b265778ed3.
- this has been happening for about 3 days total.
- ive tried uninstalling all game files, and reinstalling them
- ive ran piry.exe (previously) as administrator to fix files if needed. (i understand piry is down, i meant ive attempted when i first noticed the issue)
im not sure what else to do, anything helps.
Have any overlays running in the background? For example msi afterburner/rivatuner statistics or any other similar apps? If yes, close/disable them.
HannesC tried closing out of msi afterburner, then launching. no luck. i also looked through my task manager to see if there were any other programs that might conflict, nothing that i saw should be conflicting.
Try disabling/uninstalling msi afterburner, restart your pc and see if you can launch pluto fine then?
completely reinstalled the game using the torrented version, having a different issue. thanks anyways!
Alright may I ask what issue you're having now? Might be able to help. Also yeah forgot to tell that error might've been causing for a broken/corrupted game install, so makes sense redownloading the basegame solved it.
HannesC I did it, and it worked, thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks friend
i have this problem, but only in bo1 zombies, if i play multiplayer or anything else it works fine, do you know a fix
same, have this issue with bo1 mp&zm but not bo2
Respectfully, you can't know if it's the same issue because you'd need the examine the crash dumps which are not included in this thread. Locking this as it's very old.
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