[Release] [MP] [ZM] Purple camo all weapons
Purple camo for all weapons [MP] [ZM]
-camos for all weapons including purple laser sight
Thanks to KanashiiDesu for the weapon camo files in the gold camo pack
Drop the files in t6r/data/images
@M0untainLight6 ok
Evolight i can't found the MTAR camo
I wanted to use this but it says the folder is no longer working. Could I get a updated link or anything for this? Would love to have all purple for my weapons for zombies.
@CowboyStealthy hey, the link seems to be working just fine for me. https://mega.nz/folder/RA50DKYD#c92Z9M_Zhhbm2GGMjpFfmQ try this, and if this link doesn't work, post a screenshot of the error message.
Works good, thank you!
im having a weird bug when i use this mod where i get a red and white overlay on my screen