[ZM]-Camo for Bowi
CrissJ0wrote on Jan 26, 2024, 9:11 PM last edited by CrissJ0 Jul 15, 2024, 3:26 AM
- 1 Method
To use them you have to copy the .iwi files in the%LocalAppData%/Plutonium/storage/t6/images
folder if you don't have it create the folder.
- 2 Method
Enter the root folder of the game and create the folderst6r\data\images
,place the .iwi files in images.
🟢MediaFire - 1 Method
theyre sick as f dude love the first two
GhostRider0125 hello, i just need some help, i saw someone uses bo2 mod ( skeleton misty gloves ) on bo1, when i used the mod it didn't work for me so how can i make it work? also in bo1 if the mod iwi name has numbers do i have to rename it? and if i have to, what do i need to name it???
GhostRider0125replied to it2achi on Jan 27, 2024, 4:21 AM last edited by GhostRider0125 Jan 27, 2024, 6:23 AM
it2achi first make sure you got the latest version heres the link
then at bottom left corner of your screen right click your windows icon and select Run then type : %localappdata%then go to plutonium folder then storage then t5 then put the iw_animatedcamos.iwd on your ((images)) folder (if you dont have it there then create one)
and put the rest of the files in your zone folder the ones that has .ff at the end and it should be working you should see it in mods menu tv screen when you go in zombie luancher
as for the iwi names usually you remove the numbers behind and it should work if it didnt then it might need ~ at begining one way to know the name is to use greyhound load all 42 bo1 main folder iwd files and put part of the file name of yours in it till you find it
GhostRider0125 THANK YOU SO MUCH
GhostRider0125replied to it2achi on Jan 27, 2024, 9:37 PM last edited by GhostRider0125 Jan 27, 2024, 11:37 PM
it2achi np although i thought you would be confused about finding the right name for the files
Hello, I really appreciate your work and the truth is that the camouflages are excellent, I would like to know how to get that RGB that replaces the chalk that is on the walls for a wall weapon
PS: Sorry if you don't understand me much, it's because my English is very poor and I used Google Translator to write to you.
greetings from Argentina -
Mr rei chikita lol si le doy al español este es el link PS: long live the revolution!
CrissJ0 muchas gracias perdon la tardansa, te daria un sanguche de miga si pudiera ;3
how could I create my own cammos? specifictly for the bowie knife