Give ideas for scripts!
Angry Cat In motd mule kick at the roof area by the plane
how about a mod that spawns you in the tunnel on tranzit and only spawns avangadros (electric man) not zombies and you could have custom rounds and a boss round at the end
make this scripts /afk/rank/bank/pay/id/custom name/save load rounds/kill last zombie/drop weapon/buy speed or hp. I hope you see my comment
Afk > Pointless
Rank > Done by lots of people u can find one here:
Bank/pay > Done by lots of people u can use google to search
ID > ?
Custom Name > Nickname?
Save load rounds > Already done by lots of people
Kill last zombie > No you kill it
Drop Weapon > maybe a trade weapon command?
Buy speed/HP > I wonna maybe add this for levels so maybe maybe
@DDDDec PLS could you try making something to add a stick response curve option for controllers (would be super great if it works universally across plutonium) Think like the Standard / Linear / Dynamic options found in current gen CoD games. Thats it.
@DDDDec green screen sky texture/greenscreen map xx, if possible it would help me out sooooo much with my editing, pls sir
If you're still doing this, how about a "getclientdvar" function? Since we have "SetClientDvar" but not the ladder?
I'm looking for a script to add side effects to punch pack weapons like on bo3 (fireworks, etc.) on bo2 zm
make sharing money possible with any melee weapon not just galvaknuckles
make denizens 3 or 4 hits to kill with normal knife
and make jet gun when its about to break just swaps to your othere weapons instead of breaking
I would but i like the core game mechanics as they are. I'm looking to go for more different kinds of suggestions mate
Not really sure how that would work but i know as of right now everything to do with effects would be kind of limited until mod loading is supported which i think is in the works but im not too sure about that. That's if it falls under that
mahmodhalah2 Their is a drop weapon command someone wrote a while back if you cant find it let me know ill upload it for you to the git repo
@DDDDec Nope, i was referring to grabbing a value from a dvar set on a client, not globally.
Deicide You can't