MW3 sniper rifle intervention name was completely bugged for no reason
Then shit this is a new bug i had discovered
Akbar15830 I found this issue about a week ago but didn't report it since I asked a friend and he said his game doesn't have the issue
That is all custom content.
Could either of you two please provide a copy of the console output so we can see if a fast file fails to load? -
Xerxes It's a bug that appeared in this last update, at least I noticed that. I use the game in Spanish language.
---------------------- Current search path: C:\Users\WELCOME\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\usermaps C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\usermaps C:\Users\WELCOME\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\z_Gold-Secondaries.iwd (21 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\plutonium_cheytac.iwd (10 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\mp_test.iwd (3 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\mp_rust.iwd (39 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\mp_nuked.iwd (708 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\mp_nightshift.iwd (122 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\mp_highrise.iwd (22 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\mp_favela.iwd (152 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\background_menu.iwd (3 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\ C:\Users\WELCOME\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\players C:\Users\WELCOME\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\admin C:\Users\WELCOME\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\raw C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\admin C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\raw C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_34.iwd (10 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_33.iwd (648 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_32.iwd (13 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_31.iwd (1684 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_30.iwd (26 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_29.iwd (1271 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_28.iwd (11 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_27.iwd (1430 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_26.iwd (14 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_25.iwd (920 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_23.iwd (133 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_22.iwd (65 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_21.iwd (250 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_20.iwd (232 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_19.iwd (25 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_18.iwd (19 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_17.iwd (29 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_16.iwd (18 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_15.iwd (310 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_14.iwd (365 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_13.iwd (313 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_12.iwd (391 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_11.iwd (487 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_10.iwd (363 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_09.iwd (953 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_08.iwd (1489 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_07.iwd (1505 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_06.iwd (1457 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_05.iwd (1447 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_04.iwd (1651 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_03.iwd (2407 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_02.iwd (2609 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_01.iwd (2905 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_00.iwd (1937 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_spanish_iw12.iwd (264 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_spanish_iw10.iwd (217 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_spanish_iw08.iwd (1 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_spanish_iw06.iwd (114 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_spanish_iw05.iwd (1 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_spanish_iw04.iwd (290 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_spanish_iw03.iwd (3555 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_spanish_iw02.iwd (4562 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_spanish_iw01.iwd (4842 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_spanish_iw00.iwd (5469 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_polish_iw04.iwd (2 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_italian_iw05.iwd (1 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_german_iw06.iwd (5 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_english_iw11.iwd (264 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_english_iw09.iwd (217 files) C:\Users\WELCOME\Saved Games\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_english_iw07.iwd (1 files) 48272 files in iwd files ---------------------- UPnP discovery timed out. bound socket to localhost:27016 parsing rawfile "default_mp_controls.cfg"... Unknown command "con_showchannel" cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFrag is cheat protected cg_drawCrosshair is cheat protected cg_drawCrosshairNames is cheat protected cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFrag is cheat protected cg_everyoneHearsEveryone is cheat protected r_thermalColorScale is cheat protected "24" is not a valid value for dvar "sv_maxclients" Domain is any integer from 1 to 18 camera_thirdPerson is cheat protected sys_configSum is write protected sys_configureGHz is write protected sys_gpu is write protected sys_sysMB is write protected Loading menu "cac_smg_primary.lua"... Loading menu "cac_smg_second_primary.lua"... Loading menu "cac_sniper_primary.lua"... Loading menu "cac_sniper_second_primary.lua"... Loading menu "class.lua"... Loading menu "main.lua"... Loading menu "menu_online_barracks.lua"... Loading menu "pc_options_controls.lua"... Loading menu "pc_options_controls_ingame.lua"... Loading menu "plutonium_controller_controls.lua"... Loading menu "plutonium_customise_stats.lua"... Loading menu "plutonium_customise_stats_prestige1.lua"... Loading menu "plutonium_customise_stats_prestige2.lua"... Loading menu "plutonium_customise_stats_prestigetokens.lua"... Loading menu "plutonium_friends.lua"... Loading menu "plutonium_unlockall_warning.lua"... Loading menu "popup_callsign.lua"... Loading menu "popup_download.lua"... Loading menu "serverfilters.lua"... Hitch warning: 6805 msec frame time Hitch warning: 1054 msec frame time [STEAM] 1 calls ready, running... [STEAM] running call 1 [DW][Auth] Handling authentication request... [DW][Lobby] Handling hello request... [DW][Lobby] ERROR: Could not find publisher file "motd-spanish.txt"! [DW][Lobby] ERROR: Could not find publisher file "iotd-spanish.jpg"! [DW][Lobby] ERROR: Could not find publisher file "iotd-spanish.txt"! UPnP failed status 2. Socket error: connect, 10060 Plutonium r3904 >
So any fixes yet?
Also here if you asked about the result of console
---------------------- Current search path: C:\Users\REALLY~1\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\usermaps D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\usermaps C:\Users\REALLY~1\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\plutonium_cheytac.iwd (10 files) C:\Users\REALLY~1\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\mp_test.iwd (3 files) C:\Users\REALLY~1\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\mp_rust.iwd (39 files) C:\Users\REALLY~1\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\mp_nuked.iwd (708 files) C:\Users\REALLY~1\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\mp_nightshift.iwd (122 files) C:\Users\REALLY~1\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\mp_highrise.iwd (22 files) C:\Users\REALLY~1\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\mp_favela.iwd (152 files) C:\Users\REALLY~1\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\ C:\Users\REALLY~1\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\players C:\Users\REALLY~1\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\admin C:\Users\REALLY~1\AppData\Local\PLUTON~1\storage\iw5\raw D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\admin D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\raw D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_34.iwd (10 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_33.iwd (648 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_32.iwd (13 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_31.iwd (1684 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_30.iwd (26 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_29.iwd (1271 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_28.iwd (11 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_27.iwd (1430 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_26.iwd (14 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_25.iwd (920 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_23.iwd (133 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_22.iwd (65 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_21.iwd (250 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_20.iwd (232 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_19.iwd (25 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_18.iwd (19 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_17.iwd (29 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_16.iwd (18 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_15.iwd (310 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_14.iwd (365 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_13.iwd (313 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_12.iwd (391 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_11.iwd (487 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_10.iwd (363 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_09.iwd (953 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_08.iwd (1489 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_07.iwd (1505 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_06.iwd (1457 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_05.iwd (1447 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_04.iwd (1651 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_03.iwd (2407 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_02.iwd (2609 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_01.iwd (2905 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\iw_00.iwd (1937 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_polish_iw04.iwd (2 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_italian_iw05.iwd (1 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_german_iw06.iwd (5 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_english_iw11.iwd (264 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_english_iw09.iwd (217 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_english_iw07.iwd (1 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_english_iw05.iwd (114 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_english_iw03.iwd (2543 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_english_iw02.iwd (4724 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_english_iw01.iwd (5298 files) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3\main\localized_english_iw00.iwd (6124 files) 47736 files in iwd files ---------------------- UPnP failed status 1. UPnP successfully claimed port 27016! bound socket to localhost:27016 parsing rawfile "default_mp_controls.cfg"... Unknown command "con_showchannel" cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFrag is cheat protected cg_drawCrosshair is cheat protected cg_drawCrosshairNames is cheat protected cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFrag is cheat protected cg_everyoneHearsEveryone is cheat protected r_thermalColorScale is cheat protected "24" is not a valid value for dvar "sv_maxclients" Domain is any integer from 1 to 18 camera_thirdPerson is cheat protected sys_configSum is write protected sys_configureGHz is write protected sys_gpu is write protected sys_sysMB is write protected Loading menu "cac_smg_primary.lua"... Loading menu "cac_smg_second_primary.lua"... Loading menu "cac_sniper_primary.lua"... Loading menu "cac_sniper_second_primary.lua"... Loading menu "class.lua"... Loading menu "main.lua"... Loading menu "menu_online_barracks.lua"... Loading menu "pc_options_controls.lua"... Loading menu "pc_options_controls_ingame.lua"... Loading menu "plutonium_controller_controls.lua"... Loading menu "plutonium_customise_stats.lua"... Loading menu "plutonium_customise_stats_prestige1.lua"... Loading menu "plutonium_customise_stats_prestige2.lua"... Loading menu "plutonium_customise_stats_prestigetokens.lua"... Loading menu "plutonium_friends.lua"... Loading menu "plutonium_unlockall_warning.lua"... Loading menu "popup_callsign.lua"... Loading menu "popup_download.lua"... Loading menu "serverfilters.lua"... Hitch warning: 24064 msec frame time Hitch warning: 4327 msec frame time Hitch warning: 1059 msec frame time [STEAM] 1 calls ready, running... [STEAM] running call 1 [DW][Auth] Handling authentication request... [DW][Lobby] Handling hello request... Plutonium r3904 >
Xerxes Just want to bummer you that i got the copy here
I got the info that it is normal for now, and needs to be addressed in a future patch.
It is the price we paid to get outpost working again. -
Will be fixed in the next update
hi, can you help me?
UPnP failed status 1.
UPnP successfully claimed port 27016!
bound socket to localhost:27016
parsing rawfile "default_mp_controls.cfg"...
Unknown command "con_showchannel"
cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFrag is cheat protected
cg_drawCrosshair is cheat protected
cg_drawCrosshairNames is cheat protected
cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFrag is cheat protected
cg_everyoneHearsEveryone is cheat protected
r_thermalColorScale is cheat protected
"24" is not a valid value for dvar "sv_maxclients"
Domain is any integer from 1 to 18
camera_thirdPerson is cheat protected
sys_configSum is write protected
sys_configureGHz is write protected
sys_gpu is write protected
sys_sysMB is write protected
Loading menu "cac_smg_primary.lua"...
Loading menu "cac_smg_second_primary.lua"...
Loading menu "cac_sniper_primary.lua"...
Loading menu "cac_sniper_second_primary.lua"...
Loading menu "class.lua"...
Loading menu "main.lua"...
Loading menu "menu_online_barracks.lua"...
Loading menu "pc_options_controls.lua"...
Loading menu "pc_options_controls_ingame.lua"...
Loading menu "plutonium_controller_controls.lua"...
Loading menu "plutonium_customise_stats.lua"...
Loading menu "plutonium_customise_stats_prestige1.lua"...
Loading menu "plutonium_customise_stats_prestige2.lua"...
Loading menu "plutonium_customise_stats_prestigetokens.lua"...
Loading menu "plutonium_friends.lua"...
Loading menu "plutonium_unlockall_warning.lua"...
Loading menu "popup_callsign.lua"...
Loading menu "popup_download.lua"...
Loading menu "serverfilters.lua"...
Hitch warning: 13567 msec frame time
Hitch warning: 1090 msec frame time
[STEAM] 1 calls ready, running...
[STEAM] running call 1
[DW][Auth] Handling authentication request...
[DW][Lobby] Handling hello request...
[DW][Lobby] ERROR: Could not find publisher file "motd-french.txt"!
[DW][Lobby] ERROR: Could not find publisher file "iotd-french.jpg"!
[DW][Lobby] ERROR: Could not find publisher file "iotd-french.txt"!
Plutonium r3963 > -
undefined FutureRave locked this topic on
Don't hijack other threads, thank you.