[Release][ZM] Shadows of Evil (SoE) HUD for Mob Of The Dead (MOTD)
after some testing, it turns out that that was a pretty bad idea
can't it be used on other maps like origins ?
@Qooyak is it possible to reconvert these for bo1?
just the dpad and numbers
Youssef440 Its possible, infact I do have the origins version uploaded but its an older test release. Probably gonna restart mod work and stuff after 10th may.
FaZe Flick Should be possible. Honestly, the only custom textures I did for bo1 was the campaign m1911 texture to zombies for myself
so I can't say for sure cuz in bo2, the blood stained gui in tranzit had its colors decided by the game and not the texture images. might be same for bo1
@Qooyak thanks for replying tho