Need help with script to always enable Invulnerability after returning from afterlife mode in Mob of the Dead
Resxt I need to somehow put in that loop a way to know when the host/player has turned back to human from afterlife, then enable invulnerability on the human. How?
There's probably a better way of doing this without a while loop to reduce cpu usage but I don't know how.
init() { level.clientid = 0; level thread onplayerconnect(); } onplayerconnect() { self waittill("connected", player); wait 10; iprintlnbold("Hello"); counter = 1; while(true) { counter++; iprintlnbold("Loop count: ", counter); //This is so I know the loop is working wait 5; } }
Slug Licker search the dump for a notify or waittill, I never coded map specific stuff so I don't have it in memory
Resxt So github is what you meant by "the dump". Notes this in my brain.