Crashing when other players leave a server
Hello, new to plutonium so I don't really know what and how all of this is happening. My problem is when I play with one of my friends, no issues there, but once a random guy joins our server and decides to leave, my game crashes. I saw that creating my own server is way to hard so I wont even attempt to do that much. If someone has any solutions to this crashing problem please let me know. I asked around in the discord server and someone redirected me to this forum instead. The person also told me to provide the forum post with the crash files. So I will put them at the end of the post. One more thing to note is that this is the only problem I've had with plutonium so far, also it happens 100% of the time (in case that is relevant information).
The text error:
Exception Code: 0xC0000005
Exception Address: 0x005314D4
I cant upload the DMP documents because of the memory upload restriction. -
update: the issue somehow fixed itself... I'm not sure how, I didn't do anything to resolve it. I wanted to post an update just in case someone has this problem as well. Even though I'm not sure how they would benefit form it...
Same here please need some help