Buried Maxis Side EE bug
So I catched the Maxis lantern step bug (that one where you pick it up too quick) and now my super EE not working (box dont opens up). Am I need to reset stats now and do it all over or I just need to redo Maxis on Buried? Im using solo mods if you ask.
Hadi77KSA Contributorreplied to IKennyAgain on May 22, 2024, 9:09 AM last edited by Hadi77KSA May 22, 2024, 2:17 PM
The Super Easter Egg tracker box shouldn’t be affected much by this bug. Could you show a screenshot of the progress on the super EE tracker box, as well as a screenshot of the list of scripts loaded after starting the map with the mods by searching the external console/terminal window for
loaded successfully
? Could you also provide a link to where you’ve obtained the solo mods? -
Hadi77KSA solo mods i get from your links, used only solo scripts no first body or autonav tables, also i used pick character mod. For now idk what is going on with game. Yesturday the tracker is showed all nav cards are in and maxis side completed for all maps but it does not opened at the end of EE. Now it shows nothing, also the parts for gallows are not all spawned (only antenna and wire are spawned, bulb and gen is missing. I think its complitly ruined now.
UPD: Ok, I think I just messed up with mods. I think I used some of your old mods but im not completly shure which ones.
Hadi77KSA Contributorreplied to IKennyAgain on May 22, 2024, 11:10 AM last edited by Hadi77KSA May 22, 2024, 2:12 PM
IKennyAgain none of the scripts you’re showing are made by me. You also don’t seem to have any mod which makes the Super Easter Egg not require 4 players.
As for some of the parts for the Gallows missing, that’s due to having the completion be set to Maxis. There’s no problem with that.
IKennyAgainreplied to Hadi77KSA on May 22, 2024, 11:12 AM last edited by IKennyAgain May 22, 2024, 2:14 PM
Hadi77KSA reinstalled your mods, it works fine. sorry for bothering. Why tho the bulb still not spawned is that normal? First time doing super ee
IKennyAgain that’s normal because the completion is set to Maxis, and that part is only used for the Maxis side.
Hadi77KSA k, thx