Online progress not saving (I think I solved this problem!!!)
Re: Progress loss
So some people were complaining about a loss of progression on Black Ops 2 and 1 when they left the game and logged back on later. I think I found a solution.
It's really simple: On either LAN mode or online mode, after a game, at any point, go to your settings and change literally anything in there. There's an option to turn voice chat on/ off. You can turn it off and back on again, and exit the settings menu. (That's the setting I use for this, but it shouldn't matter which one you change, as long as you change something in the settings)
The reason why your data isn't saving is because the plutonium_mp.cfg file fails to update the majority of the time for some reason. Changing your settings seems to force the file to update, and by extension, saves all of your data (camos, classes, ranks, etc) in the process. I'm assuming that the same thing also works for Zombies (plutonium_zm.cfg)
Hope this helps!
Thanks so much man, tryna grind camos for my swat and was getting rly cheesed off
Not working... maybe happens less often but still happens