Newest Bot Warfare broken
Ever since I updated to the newest one when I spawn the bots in they can't kill anyone and I can't kill them and when I do try to I get this come up the killfeed and I've been trying to figure out how to fix it for a while now. At first I thought I might have too many iwd files and that wasn''t the issue.
Get a clean IW5 storage and install latest version
Alright how do I do that? Is there a tut anywhere on here?
Resxt ??
J0RD delete iw5 storage in %localappdata%\Plutonium then open launcher again
Install BW from Github -
Resxt I've done that now but the BW I downloaded from github doesn't have an install bat and the same issue still persists when I spawn bots in I get connection interrupted every time. I've tried everything.
I can't help you then. You just get a clean game and storage and install it
Resxt Dude you are a legend, i had the same problem and it drove me nuts, fresh storage did the trick thanks!!
Resxt i can't seem to find the 'install.bat' when i downloaded the latest version
KhanTootz simply read the instructions on here -
Do you guys keep broking working thing in game?...
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