Whenever I launch the game it ruins my microphone quality.
Whenever I open the game it ruins my mic quality. I tried changing the input for BO2 in window to something besides my MIC. I also turned off the "let applications take exclusive control over this device" box in my mic properties.
Either set the microphone ingame to the settings you want to use or wait for the next update which hopefully will prevent the game from changing the settings in the first place.
Xerxes That does nothing, my mic is still not loud
Adimosis my problem was T6 was taking control of my mic and changing it to the mic input level I had in-game. and my mic is messed up or something so that whenever its not at 100% it sounds awful. so I just set my T6 mic input to 100% so that technically T6 never has any changing to do. (not sure if this will help at all with your problem. I just wanted to provide clarity for a problem I had ((kindof)) fixed)