Restricted Graphic Content No Matter What
Hello all, really enjoying this custom client for BO2 Zombies. Problem is my game seems to have the restricted graphic content filter applied. This means no blood and minimal gore will occur, for those unaware. For zombies this just looks very odd and off-putting. Apparently, this filter can be disabled only in the options menu for campaign which only affects the non-Plutonium version of zombies. Not sure how to turn off this filter in the Plutonium version.
Its a bit involved on how to set this value on Plutonium as it is not controlled by a dvar, but instead uses Demonware.
First make a mods folder in %localappdata%/Plutonium/storage/t6
In that mods folder create a folder called zm_fix_graphic_content
In the folder called zm_fix_graphic_content create a ui folder, then inside that ui folder create a t6 folder.
Engine.SetProfileVar(0, "cg_blood", 1) Engine.SetProfileVar(0, "cg_mature", 1) CoD.Error = {} CoD.Error.Width = 400 CoD.Error.Height = 250 CoD.Error.SetMessage = function (ErrorPopup, ErrorMessage) ErrorPopup.messageLabel:setText(ErrorMessage) end LUI.createMenu.Error = function (LocalClientIndex) local ErrorPopup = CoD.Menu.NewSmallPopup("Error") ErrorPopup:addTitle(Engine.Localize("MENU_NOTICE_CAPS")) ErrorPopup.setMessage = CoD.Error.SetMessage ErrorPopup.okButton ="primary", Engine.Localize("MENU_OK_CAPS"), ErrorPopup, "button_prompt_back") ErrorPopup:addLeftButtonPrompt(ErrorPopup.okButton) ErrorPopup.messageLabel = ErrorPopup.messageLabel:setLeftRight(true, true, 0, 0) ErrorPopup.messageLabel:setTopBottom(true, false, CoD.Menu.TitleHeight + 10, CoD.Menu.TitleHeight + 10 + CoD.textSize.Condensed) ErrorPopup.messageLabel:setAlpha(CoD.textAlpha) ErrorPopup.messageLabel:setAlignment(LUI.Alignment.Left) ErrorPopup.messageLabel:setFont(CoD.fonts.Condensed) ErrorPopup:addElement(ErrorPopup.messageLabel) return ErrorPopup end
Now create a file called error.lua in the t6 folder you created, and paste the above code into it.
Now launch the game, and click online in the mainmenu, there you should see the mods button, click it and load the zm_fix_graphic_content mod.Loading the mod should have reenabled graphic content even when you unload the mod.
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