[Release] Riot Shield Bounce GSC
For those that are opposed to using sv_enableBounces, I am releasing a simple gsc script that will spawn "bounces" on a riot shield. (Make sure sv_enableBounces is set to 0 or the velocity will be terribly wrong.
Place in onPlayerSpawned, preferably in a welcome message or other statement that is only threaded once.
if(!isDefined(player.pers["isBot"])&& !player.pers["isBot"]){ self thread spawn_shield_bounce(); self.spawned_shields =[]; self thread yeet_shields(); }
Place wherever your functions may be located...ie; the bottom of your script.
spawn_shield_bounce(){ self endon("disconnect"); self endon("game_ended"); self.bounce = false; for(;;){ if(isDefined(self.riotshieldretrievetrigger) && isDefined(self.riotshieldentity) && self.bounce == false){ /*thanks to DoktorSAS for finding the riotshield variables*/ bounce_location = spawn("script_model", self.origin + (0, 0, 20)); bounce_location thread bounce_logic(600); self.spawned_shields[self.spawned_shields.size] = bounce_location; self.bounce = true; wait 0.02; } else{ wait 0.02; } wait 0.05; } } yeet_shields(){ self endon("disconnect"); self endon("game_ended"); for(;;){ self waittill("destroy_riotshield"); array_delete(self.spawned_shields); self.bounce = false; wait 0.05; } } bounce_logic(z_axis_velocity){ while(isDefined(self)){ foreach(player in level.players){ if(!isDefined(player.pers["isBot"])&& !player.pers["isBot"]){ if(Distance(self.origin, player.origin) < 50){ player SetVelocity(player GetVelocity() + (0, 0, z_axis_velocity)); } } } wait .01; } }
Cheers, hope this helps some of you modders. -
love it
Skid thank you for this, putting into our servers