switching triggers/bumpers permanently
hi, I wanted to know if there is some way to permanently switch triggers, it's a bit annoying to enter the command (bind BUTTON_LSHLDR "+speed_throw"; bind BUTTON_RSHLDR "+attack"; bind BUTTON_LTRIG "+smoke"; bind BUTTON_RTRIG "+frag") every time I open the game. thanks in advance.
everythingship not the best answer but you could either bind all this command to a key for example
bind P "the commands"
or even better bind it to a button that you always use on the controller like left joystick forward. The command is the same but instead you would need to bind both the original action (running for clicking left joystick) plus all your commands. Idk the name of the left joystick click but you can probably find it on the forum or in the internet, old CODs probably all use the same name for inputs -
Resxt I tried to bind the commands to a key but I couldn't, I suppose I did it the wrong way. I wrote in the console: bind P bind BUTTON_LSHLDR "+speed_throw"; bind BUTTON_RSHLDR "+attack"; bind BUTTON_LTRIG "+smoke"; bind BUTTON_RTRIG "+frag".
bind P "the commands"
notbind P the commands
. When you have spaces you need to add "" -
unfortunately, if the commands have double quotes in them, the console reads it only partially. i suppose we just have to copy paste every time the game loads
so entering the below once on console makes it such that you only have to hit "o" after a game starts until the rest of the session.bind o "bind BUTTON_LSHLDR +speed_throw; bind BUTTON_RSHLDR +attack; bind BUTTON_LTRIG +smoke; bind BUTTON_RTRIG frag"
but yeah, you still have to hit "o" every time you re-open plutonium and start the first game. makes it a bit easier than copy pasting the entire thing to console.
i tried binding this to a button/axis on the controller like Resxt suggested, but plutonium resets any binds that are not from Keyboard on restart..
I use a PS4 controller on my PC and the DS4Windows software can save a custom profile - if you do the same you can setup a custom profile in DS4Windows to swap the trigger and shoulder buttons, so there's no need for the console command.
Yeah guys I Just swapped the bumpers and triggers in DS4 windows on a different profile