[ZM] - Is this even possible?
I had a question on my mind since yesterday: Is it possible to take a Multiplayer map and bring it to Zombies as a custom map? (It doesn't even need to change a lot. Just add some perks, PAP, debris/doors, wall guns... etc)
If this is possible and someone would do it... then I just gave an idea for new mods.
Wattsuappu Hijacked would be insane for zm
@Hong-Kong-Lover Yeah!
Xerxes In my opinion: It's not a problem to be literally just a Multiplayer map but with zombies stuff on it, I think it would still be cool even if it didn't change that much.
Wattsuappu Like I said in the image Xerxes posted its a high effort process for a low quality production.
You get a new map to kill zombies on, but its not a map designed with zombies in mind so there will be a lot of things preventing it from being fun for classic zombies(which I assume is what you were thinking of).If you want to make you're own gamemode that doesn't adhere to standard zombies tropes it could be interesting.
But if you wanted classic zombies like all the existing actual zombie maps you'd have to do the following:
- MP maps don't have zombie trarversals, and you can't add them without recompiling the bsp.
This means that there are always going to be places where the zombies can't get you on some maps. - There aren't any zone volumes which zombies heavily relies upon to tell what spawns to activate, and what the playable area is.
You can manually model them, and spawn them in manually now though. - Add zombie spawns, player spawns, wall buy locations, perk locations, mystery boxes, packapunch etc.
- Some things like the mystery boxes need to manually have collisions spawned since the normal maps use the level geometry as collision.
There's definitely more I didn't think of, but you probably get the gist of it. Its basically just making a custom map, except the level geometry is set in stone.
- MP maps don't have zombie trarversals, and you can't add them without recompiling the bsp.
JezuzLizard I understand, thanks for the explanation
Ive seen like rust for zm, no doors. Just perks and the box. That would work pretty well.
Edit, im a dumbass and barely read the explaination