Are people still interested in camo ports ?
yeah... this is the dark matter?
NightMaRe_911 From BO6
LKurama looks awesome
NightMaRe_911 Wanna test it ?
yes, please
Im just sticking to csgo skins lmao
NightMaRe_911 I'll post it in 2 days, I won't have my PC tomorrow
Let me guess.. cyborg?
With OAT, I desperately wanna port weapon blueprints from Cold War and Warzone that significantly change the weapon model
@Hong-Kong-Lover yup
@Hong-Kong-Lover Accuracy /20 ?
Gyat dayum looks sick
LKurama Apart from the black parts lacking the messy rock jelly look, it looks AMAZING!
FighterHydrant Which black part ?
U talking about the smoke effect ?
LKurama Hes talking about the black parts on the ballista,
@Hong-Kong-Lover I can't edit that.