BO1 Zombies Easter Egg team
Looking for some folks in NA regione that what to do the BO1 zombies easter eggs. Been a dream of mine to complete them all. Hit me up if you're interested.
yo man! you're looking to run all of them? i'm down to run them at some point soon. only one i'm not too keen on is ascension. it's like a curse for my pluto, crashes bout half through every time. i'm NA East/Central. when would you be thinkin? disc is in my acct bio if that's easier for you.
Jynex yeah as many as we can. Goal is to do the moon EE so really just need call of the dead and Shangri la and then moon. Will message you on discord
Cbass97 sounds good man! add up n let me know your user so i dont accidentally decline haha
Jynex Just sent you a friend request i have the same name here