ZM - Script usefull
Naomi_ link broken
Will you ever reupload the scripts. Currently the link states it has been removed, does anyone have the zip file with all the scripts in it please and thank you.
Broken link, could someone pass on the files if you still have them, please?
Links broken, reupload?
Naomi_ reup please?
Has anyone the scripts?
If your wanting the scripts use wayback machine.
@Hong-Kong-Lover it isnt working for me, theres a snapshot but no download
undefined Xerxes moved this topic from BO2 Modding Releases & Resources on
the link is unavalible
i realy need this scripts... Naomi_
the download to the scripts isnt available
my man... why would you say the same thing the last 10 posts say on an over 3 year old post?
DirkRockface what?
read the 10 replies above yours... they are all people saying the link is broken.
and this post is over 3 years old so it's not a surprise the link is broken.
i was just asking why you added the 11th reply in a row saying the link was broken