black ops 2 zombie mods
where to get mods and how to use it in solo mode
You can find them in the search just go to advanced search then put category to bo2 modding and releases
Then type in the search box
Then all the bo2 mods created so far will show up for ya
Heres some vanilla ones that i really like and use that change and add little things but really makes it more fun
Heres how to install them
at the bottom left corner of your screen right click your windows icon and select Run then type : %localappdata%then go to plutonium folder then storage then t6 then make a mods folder paste your mods here and done
To activated them press mods in the game menu before launching the match
GhostRider0125 ty bro
memo mhnna in the releases section on the forum, by searching. Sorting by most upvoted/viewed whatever will show some quickly
To install/use them simply read our "loading mods" doc and/or read the instructions they provide
Np dude