[Resource] Stat Modification, Checks, Other Structures..
Stats Structure Part 1
enum globalstats_e { accuracy = 0, activate_cuav_while_enemy_satelite_active = 1, air_assault_killstreak_mastery = 2, assault_rifle_mastery = 3, assignments_mastery = 4, assist = 5, assist_score_cuav = 6, assist_score_emp = 7, assist_score_killstreak = 8, assist_score_microwave_turret = 9, assist_score_satellite = 10, assist_score_uav = 11, assists = 12, badhostcount = 13, boot_camp_graduate = 14, call_in_3_care_packages = 15, capture_objective_in_smoke = 16, capture_objective_in_smoke = 17, captures = 18, career_score = 19, career_score_hc = 20, career_score_multiteam = 21, challenges = 22, codpoints = 23, complete_all_career_combat_ops = 24, complete_all_career_ops = 25, conf_gamemode_mastery = 26, contracts_completed = 27, contracts_cp_earned = 28, contracts_cp_spent = 29, contracts_purchased = 30, contracts_xp_earned = 31, ctf_gamemode_mastery = 32, cur_win_streak = 33, currencyspent = 34, deaths = 35, defend_hq_last_man_alive = 36, defend_teammate_who_captured_package = 37, defends = 38, defuses = 39, dem_gamemode_mastery = 40, destroy_5_tactical_inserts = 41, destroy_aircraft = 42, destroy_aircraft_with_emp = 43, destroy_aircraft_with_missile_drone = 44, destroy_car = 45, destroy_equipment = 46, destroy_equipment_with_emp_grenade = 47, destroy_explosive = 48, destroy_explosive_with_trophy = 49, destroy_helicopter = 50, destroy_qrdrone = 51, destroy_rcbomb_with_hatchet = 52, destroy_score_streak_with_qrdrone = 53, destroy_turret = 54, destroyed_helicopter_with_bullet = 55, destroyed_qrdrone_with_bullet = 56, destructions = 57, diamond_club = 58, disarm_hacked_carepackage = 59, dm_gamemode_mastery = 60, dom_gamemode_mastery = 61, emblem_version = 62, field_specialist = 63, films_shoutcasted = 64, flagcarrierkills = 65, game_modes_mastery = 66, gametypeban = 67, get_final_kill = 68, gold_club = 69, ground_assault_killstreak_mastery = 70, gun_gamemode_mastery = 71, hack_enemy_target = 72, hack_gamemode_mastery = 73, hasclantag = 74, hasprestiged = 75, hatchet_kill_with_shield_equiped = 76, headshot_assault_5_onegame = 77, headshots = 78, highlights_created = 79, hits = 80, holdingteamdefenderflag = 81, hq_gamemode_mastery = 82, kdratio = 83, kill_10_enemy_one_bullet_shotgun_onegame = 84, kill_10_enemy_one_bullet_sniper_onegame = 85, kill_15_with_blade = 86, kill_after_tac_insert = 87, kill_concussed_enemy = 88, kill_crossbow_stackfire = 89, kill_enemy_locking_on_with_chopper_gunner = 90, kill_enemy_one_bullet_shotgun = 91, kill_enemy_one_bullet_sniper = 92, kill_enemy_revealed_by_sensor = 93, kill_enemy_shoot_their_explosive = 94, kill_enemy_through_wall = 95, kill_enemy_through_wall_with_fmj = 96, kill_enemy_while_crouched = 97, kill_enemy_while_prone = 98, kill_enemy_who_shocked_you = 99, kill_enemy_with_picked_up_weapon = 100, kill_enemy_with_tacknife = 101, kill_enemy_withcar = 102, kill_every_enemy = 103, kill_flashed_enemy = 104, kill_nemesis = 105, kill_prone_enemy = 106, kill_shocked_enemy = 107, kill_while_cuav_active = 108, kill_while_damaging_with_microwave_turret = 109, kill_while_emp_active = 110, kill_while_satellite_active = 111, kill_while_uav_active = 112, kill_with_2_perks_same_category = 113, kill_with_both_primary_weapons = 114, kill_with_c4 = 115, kill_with_claymore = 116, kill_with_cooked_grenade = 117, kill_with_dual_lethal_grenades = 118, kill_with_hacked_carepackage = 119, kill_with_hacked_claymore = 120, kill_with_loadout_weapon_with_3_attachments = 121, kill_with_remote_control_ai_tank = 122, kill_with_remote_control_sentry_gun = 123, kill_with_resupplied_lethal_grenade = 124, kill_with_tossed_back_lethal = 125, killed_dog = 126, killed_dog_close_to_teammate = 127, kills = 128, killsasflagcarrier = 129, killsconfirmed = 130, killsdenied = 131, killstreak_10_no_weapons_perks = 132, killstreak_5_dogs = 133, killstreak_5_picked_up_weapon = 134, killstreak_5_with_death_machine = 135, killstreak_5_with_sentry_gun = 136, koth_gamemode_mastery = 137, last_escrow = 138, laststatsbackup = 139, lastxp = 140, leaderboardfailures = 141, lifetime_buyin = 142, lifetime_earnings = 143, lmg_mastery = 144, long_distance_hatchet_kill = 145, longshot_3_onelife = 146, losses = 147, mantle_then_kill = 148, mappackmask = 149, master_killer = 150, master_of_humiliation = 151, match_bonus = 152, maxxp = 153, medal_aitank_kill = 154, medal_assisted_suicide = 155, medal_backstabber_kill = 156, medal_ballistic_knife_kill = 157, medal_bomb_detonated = 158, medal_bounce_hatchet_kill = 159, medal_capture_enemy_crate = 160, medal_clear_2_attackers = 161, medal_comeback_from_deathstreak = 162, medal_completed_match = 163, medal_crossbow_kill = 164, medal_death_machine_kill = 165, medal_defend_hq_last_alive = 166, medal_defused_bomb = 167, medal_defused_bomb_last_man_alive = 168, medal_destroyed_aitank = 169, medal_destroyed_counteruav = 170, medal_destroyed_heli_comlink = 171, medal_destroyed_heli_guard = 172, medal_destroyed_heli_gunner = 173, medal_destroyed_microwave_turret = 174, medal_destroyed_missile_drone = 175, medal_destroyed_missile_swarm = 176, medal_destroyed_plane_mortar = 177, medal_destroyed_qrdrone = 178, medal_destroyed_rcbomb = 179, medal_destroyed_remote_missle = 180, medal_destroyed_remote_mortar = 181, medal_destroyed_sentry_gun = 182, medal_destroyed_straferun = 183, medal_destroyed_supply_drop = 184, medal_destroyed_uav = 185, medal_dogs_kill = 186, medal_eliminate_oic = 187, medal_eliminate_sd = 188, medal_elimination_and_last_player_alive = 189, medal_final_kill_elimination = 190, medal_first_kill = 191, medal_flag_capture = 192, medal_flag_carrier_kill_return_close = 193, medal_hack_3_agrs_in_hack = 194, medal_hacked = 195, medal_hatchet_kill = 196, medal_headshot = 197, medal_helicopter_comlink_kill = 198, medal_helicopter_guard_kill = 199, medal_helicopter_gunner_kill = 200, medal_hq_destroyed = 201, medal_hq_secure = 202, medal_hq_secure = 203, medal_humiliation_gun = 204, medal_kill_confirmed_multi = 205, medal_kill_enemies_one_bullet = 206, medal_kill_enemy_after_death = 207, medal_kill_enemy_injuring_teammate = 208, medal_kill_enemy_one_bullet = 209, medal_kill_enemy_recent_dive_prone = 210, medal_kill_enemy_when_injured = 211, medal_kill_enemy_while_capping = 212, medal_kill_enemy_who_killed_teammate = 213, medal_kill_enemy_with_care_package_crush = 214, medal_kill_enemy_with_hacked_care_package = 215, medal_kill_enemy_with_more_ammo_oic = 216, medal_kill_enemy_with_their_weapon = 217, medal_kill_flag_carrier = 218, medal_kill_hacker_in_hack = 219, medal_kill_hacker_then_hack_in_hack = 220, medal_kill_in_3_seconds_gun = 221, medal_kill_leader_with_axe_sas = 222, medal_kill_with_axe_sas = 223, medal_kill_with_crossbow_and_ballistic_sas = 224, medal_kill_x2_score_shrp = 225, medal_killed_bomb_defuser = 226, medal_killed_bomb_planter = 227, medal_killed_enemy_while_carrying_flag = 228, medal_killstreak_10 = 229, medal_killstreak_15 = 230, medal_killstreak_20 = 231, medal_killstreak_25 = 232, medal_killstreak_30 = 233, medal_killstreak_5 = 234, medal_killstreak_more_than_30 = 235, medal_knife_leader_gun = 236, medal_knife_with_ammo_oic = 237, medal_koth_secure = 238, medal_longshot_kill = 239, medal_melee_kill_with_riot_shield = 240, medal_microwave_turret_kill = 241, medal_missile_drone_kill = 242, medal_missile_swarm_kill = 243, medal_most_points_shrp = 244, medal_multikill_2 = 245, medal_multikill_3 = 246, medal_multikill_4 = 247, medal_multikill_5 = 248, medal_multikill_6 = 249, medal_multikill_7 = 250, medal_multikill_8 = 251, medal_multikill_more_than_8 = 252, medal_multiple_grenade_launcher_kill = 253, medal_neutral_b_secured = 254, medal_plane_mortar_kill = 255, medal_position_secure = 256, medal_qrdrone_kill = 257, medal_quickly_secure_point = 258, medal_rcxd_kill = 259, medal_remote_missile_kill = 260, medal_remote_mortar_kill = 261, medal_retrieve_own_tags = 262, medal_revenge_kill = 263, medal_sentry_gun_kill = 264, medal_share_package_aitank = 265, medal_share_package_ammo = 266, medal_share_package_counter_uav = 267, medal_share_package_death_machine = 268, medal_share_package_dogs = 269, medal_share_package_emp = 270, medal_share_package_helicopter_comlink = 271, medal_share_package_helicopter_guard = 272, medal_share_package_helicopter_gunner = 273, medal_share_package_microwave_turret = 274, medal_share_package_missile_drone = 275, medal_share_package_missle_swarm = 276, medal_share_package_multiple_grenade_launcher = 277, medal_share_package_plane_mortar = 278, medal_share_package_qrdrone = 279, medal_share_package_rcbomb = 280, medal_share_package_remote_missile = 281, medal_share_package_remote_mortar = 282, medal_share_package_satellite = 283, medal_share_package_sentry_gun = 284, medal_share_package_strafe_run = 285, medal_share_package_uav = 286, medal_stick_explosive_kill = 287, medal_stop_enemy_killstreak = 288, medal_straff_run_kill = 289, medal_teammate_confirm_kill = 290, medal_uninterrupted_obit_feed_kills = 291, medal_won_match = 292, medal_x2_score_shrp = 293, minxp = 294, misc_bonus = 295, misses = 296, monthly_timestamp = 297, muiltikill_2_with_rcbomb = 298, multikill_2_zone_attackers = 299, multikill_3_lmg_or_smg_hip_fire = 300, multikill_3_near_death = 301, multikill_3_remote_missile = 302, multikill_3_with_mgl = 303, offends = 304, oic_gamemode_mastery = 305, penetration_shots = 306, perk_bulletflinch_kills = 307, perk_earnmoremomentum_earn_streak = 308, perk_fastmantle_kills = 309, perk_fastweaponswitch_kill_after_swap = 310, perk_flak_survive = 311, perk_gpsjammer_immune_kills = 312, perk_hacker_destroy = 313, perk_immune_cuav_kills = 314, perk_longersprint = 315, perk_loudenemies_kills = 316, perk_movefaster_kills = 317, perk_noname_kills = 318, perk_nottargetedbyairsupport_destroy_aircraft = 319, perk_protection_stun_kills = 320, perk_quieter_kills = 321, perk_scavenger_kills_after_resupply = 322, pickups = 323, pistolheadshot_10_onegame = 324, plants = 325, plevel = 326, precision_master = 327, primary_mastery = 328, rank = 329, rankxp = 330, reload_then_kill_dualclip = 331, return_fire_killstreak_mastery = 332, returns = 333, revives = 334, sas_gamemode_mastery = 335, score = 336, score_hc = 337, score_multiteam = 338, score_streaks_mastery = 339, sd_gamemode_mastery = 340, secondary_mastery = 341, sessionbans = 342, shock_enemy_then_stab_them = 343, shotgun_mastery = 344, shrp_gamemode_mastery = 345, smg_mastery = 346, sniper_mastery = 347, statresetcount = 348, stats_version = 349, statsbackupversion = 350, stick_explosive_kill_5_onegame = 351, streaker = 352, stun_aitank_with_emp_grenade = 353, suicides = 354, support_killstreak_mastery = 355, survive_claymore_kill_planter_flak_jacket_equipped = 356, tdm_gamemode_mastery = 357, teamkills = 358, teamkills_nostats = 359, ties = 360, time_played_alive = 361, time_played_allies = 362, time_played_axis = 363, time_played_opfor = 364, time_played_other = 365, time_played_team3 = 366, time_played_total = 367, timewhennexthost = 368, top3 = 369, top3any = 370, top3any_hc = 371, top3any_multiteam = 372, top3team = 373, topplayer = 374, total_shots = 375, version = 376, weapons_mastery = 377, weekly_timestamp = 378, wins = 379, wins_hc = 380, wins_multiteam = 381, wlratio = 382, }; enum higheststats_e { win_streak = 0, kill_streak = 1, death_streak = 2, highest_score = 3, highest_kdratio = 4, highest_accuracy = 5, }; enum gamemodes_e { publicmatch = 0, leaguematch = 1, }; enum quittypes_e { dashboard = 0, timeout = 1, kicked = 2, quit = 3, finished = 4, }; enum gametypes_e { tdm = 0, dm = 1, sd = 2, dom = 3, koth = 4, hq = 5, dem = 6, ctf = 7, conf = 8, gun = 9, oic = 10, shrp = 11, sas = 12, hctdm = 13, hcdm = 14, hcsd = 15, hcdom = 16, hckoth = 17, hchq = 18, hcdem = 19, hcctf = 20, hcconf = 21, oneflag = 22, hconeflag = 23, }; enum maps_e { mp_la = 0, mp_dockside = 1, mp_carrier = 2, mp_drone = 3, mp_express = 4, mp_hijacked = 5, mp_labc = 6, mp_meltdown = 7, mp_nightclub = 8, mp_overflow = 9, mp_raid = 10, mp_slums = 11, mp_turbine = 12, mp_socotra = 13, mp_village = 14, }; enum weaponstat_e { kills = 0, deaths = 1, deathsduringuse = 2, shots = 3, hits = 4, headshots = 5, timeused = 6, used = 7, assists = 8, combatrecordstat = 9, destroyed = 10, challenges = 11, challenge1 = 12, challenge2 = 13, challenge3 = 14, challenge4 = 15, challenge5 = 16, challenge6 = 17, }; enum weapongroups_e { weapon_pistol = 0, weapon_smg = 1, weapon_assault = 2, weapon_lmg = 3, weapon_sniper = 4, weapon_cqb = 5, weapon_projectile = 6, weapon_special = 7, weapon_shotgun = 8, weapon_launcher = 9, weapon_grenade = 10, weapon_explosive = 11, weapon_masterkey = 12, weapon_grenadelauncher = 13, weapon_flamethrower = 14, specialty = 15, specialgrenade = 16, miscweapon = 17, bonuscard = 18, killstreak = 19, }; enum attachments_e { acog = 0, dualclip = 1, dualoptic = 2, dw = 3, extbarrel = 4, extclip = 5, extramags = 6, fastads = 7, fastreload = 8, fmj = 9, gl = 10, grip = 11, holo = 12, ir = 13, is = 14, longbreath = 15, mk = 16, mms = 17, rangefinder = 18, reflex = 19, rf = 20, sf = 21, silencer = 22, stackfire = 23, stalker = 24, steadyaim = 25, swayreduc = 26, tacknife = 27, vzoom = 28, }; enum clantagfeatures_e { red = 0, green = 1, yellow = 2, blue = 3, cyan = 4, magenta = 5, animo = 6, animplus = 7, left = 8, right = 9, cylon = 10, rainbow = 11, move = 12, cycle = 13, }; enum prestigetokentype_e { prestige_respec = 0, prestige_unlock = 1, prestige_reset_stats = 2, prestige_extra_cac = 3, }; //Bit Size: 0x6068C struct root { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x40 __int64 playerxuid; //Bit Offset: 0x40 //Bit Size: 0x47D0 intstat_s playerstatslist[globalstats_e]; //Bit Offset: 0x4810 //Bit Size: 0x90 int higheststats[higheststats_e]; //Bit Offset: 0x48A0 //Bit Size: 0x20 int hashlen; //Bit Offset: 0x48C0 //Bit Size: 0x190 byte statshash[50]; //Bit Offset: 0x4A50 //Bit Size: 0xFA prevscores_s recentearnings[10]; //Bit Offset: 0x4B4A //Bit Size: 0xBEA prevhitlocationcounts_s recenthitloccounts[10]; //Bit Offset: 0x5734 //Bit Size: 0x2DA prevscoreswithgametype_s recentscores[10]; //Bit Offset: 0x5A0E //Bit Size: 0x384 afteractionreportstats_s afteractionreportstats; //Bit Offset: 0x5D92 //Bit Size: 0x4 int currenthitlocationindex; //Bit Offset: 0x5D96 //Bit Size: 0x2BD0 gamehistorystats_s gamehistory[gamemodes_e]; //Bit Offset: 0x8966 //Bit Size: 0xC0 probation_s probation[gamemodes_e]; //Bit Offset: 0x8A26 //Bit Size: 0x99F0 gametypestats_s playerstatsbygametype[gametypes_e]; //Bit Offset: 0x12416 //Bit Size: 0xF0 mapstats_s playerstatsbymap[maps_e]; //Bit Offset: 0x12506 //Bit Size: 0x39E00 itemstat_s itemstats[256]; //Bit Offset: 0x4C306 //Bit Size: 0x4380 groupstats_s groupstats[weapongroups_e]; //Bit Offset: 0x50686 //Bit Size: 0x100 byte unlocks[32]; //Bit Offset: 0x50786 //Bit Size: 0x61E0 attachmentstats_s attachments[attachments_e]; //Bit Offset: 0x56966 //Bit Size: 0x20 int matches_lean_used; //Bit Offset: 0x56986 //Bit Size: 0x1900 weaponstat_s weaponstats[64]; //Bit Offset: 0x58286 //Bit Size: 0x4 int publicmatchclasssetindex; //Bit Offset: 0x5828A //Bit Size: 0x4 int custommatchclasssetindex; //Bit Offset: 0x5828E //Bit Size: 0x4 int leaguematchclasssetindex; //Bit Offset: 0x58292 //Bit Size: 0x15A3 cacstatsloadoutlist_s cacloadouts; //Bit Offset: 0x59835 //Bit Size: 0xAEC cacloadoutlist_s custommatchcacloadouts; //Bit Offset: 0x5A321 //Bit Size: 0xAEC cacloadoutlist_s leaguecacloadouts; //Bit Offset: 0x5AE0D //Bit Size: 0x20 float skill_rating; //Bit Offset: 0x5AE2D //Bit Size: 0x20 float skill_variance; //Bit Offset: 0x5AE4D //Bit Size: 0x300 float gt_skill_rating[gametypes_e]; //Bit Offset: 0x5B14D //Bit Size: 0x300 float gt_skill_variance[gametypes_e]; //Bit Offset: 0x5B44D //Bit Size: 0x680 activefriend_s activefriends[16]; //Bit Offset: 0x5BACD //Bit Size: 0x5 int numactivefriends; //Bit Offset: 0x5BAD2 //Bit Size: 0x1390 emblemstats_s emblemstats; //Bit Offset: 0x5CE62 //Bit Size: 0x4C clantagstats_s clantagstats; //Bit Offset: 0x5CEAE //Bit Size: 0x4 int lastconsolesave; //Bit Offset: 0x5CEB2 //Bit Size: 0xC80 consoleinfo_s consoleinfo[10]; //Bit Offset: 0x5DB32 //Bit Size: 0x40 __int64 connectionid; //Bit Offset: 0x5DB72 //Bit Size: 0x20 int uploadbandwidth; //Bit Offset: 0x5DB92 //Bit Size: 0x100 byte demonwareflags[32]; //Bit Offset: 0x5DC92 //Bit Size: 0x40 __int64 statresetnotification; //Bit Offset: 0x5DCD2 //Bit Size: 0x1 int input_invertpitch; //Bit Offset: 0x5DCD3 //Bit Size: 0x1 int gpad_rumble; //Bit Offset: 0x5DCD4 //Bit Size: 0x2 int quick_launch_mode; //Bit Offset: 0x5DCD6 //Bit Size: 0x1 int cg_mature; //Bit Offset: 0x5DCD7 //Bit Size: 0x1 int input_autoaim; //Bit Offset: 0x5DCD8 //Bit Size: 0x1 int cg_subtitles; //Bit Offset: 0x5DCD9 //Bit Size: 0x3 int gpad_buttonsconfig; //Bit Offset: 0x5DCDC //Bit Size: 0x3 int gpad_sticksconfig; //Bit Offset: 0x5DCDF //Bit Size: 0x2 int team_indicator; //Bit Offset: 0x5DCE1 //Bit Size: 0x1 int r_stereo3davailable; //Bit Offset: 0x5DCE2 //Bit Size: 0x1 int r_stereo3don; //Bit Offset: 0x5DCE3 //Bit Size: 0x1 int input_targetassist; //Bit Offset: 0x5DCE4 //Bit Size: 0x5 int snd_menu_voice; //Bit Offset: 0x5DCE9 //Bit Size: 0x5 int snd_menu_music; //Bit Offset: 0x5DCEE //Bit Size: 0x5 int snd_menu_sfx; //Bit Offset: 0x5DCF3 //Bit Size: 0x5 int snd_menu_master; //Bit Offset: 0x5DCF8 //Bit Size: 0x5 int snd_menu_cinematic; //Bit Offset: 0x5DCFD //Bit Size: 0x1 int snd_menu_listen_level; //Bit Offset: 0x5DCFE //Bit Size: 0x2 int snd_menu_speaker_setup; //Bit Offset: 0x5DD00 //Bit Size: 0x40 __int64 snd_console_config; //Bit Offset: 0x5DD40 //Bit Size: 0x20 int snd_speakerconfiguration; //Bit Offset: 0x5DD60 //Bit Size: 0x20 int snd_ps3_encodingformat; //Bit Offset: 0x5DD80 //Bit Size: 0x20 int snd_menu_headphones; //Bit Offset: 0x5DDA0 //Bit Size: 0x20 int snd_menu_hearing_impaired; //Bit Offset: 0x5DDC0 //Bit Size: 0x20 int cg_fov_default; //Bit Offset: 0x5DDE0 //Bit Size: 0xB8 leaguestats_s bestleague; //Bit Offset: 0x5DE98 //Bit Size: 0x400 __int64 gamebookmarks[16]; //Bit Offset: 0x5E298 //Bit Size: 0x5 int gamebookmarkindex; //Bit Offset: 0x5E29D //Bit Size: 0x20 int sessionrejointimestamp; //Bit Offset: 0x5E2BD //Bit Size: 0x40 __int64 sessionrejoinsessionsecid; //Bit Offset: 0x5E2FD //Bit Size: 0x200 char livestreamingauthusername; //Bit Offset: 0x5E4FD //Bit Size: 0xC8 char livestreamingauthtoken; //Bit Offset: 0x5E5C5 //Bit Size: 0x104 prestigetokens_s prestigetokens[20]; //Bit Offset: 0x5E6C9 //Bit Size: 0x20 unsigned int motdversionviewed; //Bit Offset: 0x5E6E9 //Bit Size: 0x20 unsigned int motdviewtime; //Bit Offset: 0x5E709 //Bit Size: 0x20 unsigned int combattrainingwins; //Bit Offset: 0x5E729 //Bit Size: 0x40 int doublexpgroups[64]; //Bit Offset: 0x5E769 //Bit Size: 0x1120 gfxdisplayinfo gfxdisplayinfo; //Bit Offset: 0x5F889 //Bit Size: 0x960 youtube_t youtube; //Bit Offset: 0x601E9 //Bit Size: 0x403 elitestats_t elitestats; //Bit Offset: 0x605EC //Bit Size: 0xA0 dlc_t dlc; }; //Bit Size: 0x30 struct intstat_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x20 int statvalue; //Bit Offset: 0x20 //Bit Size: 0x10 short challengevalue; }; //Bit Size: 0x19 struct prevscores_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x18 int score; //Bit Offset: 0x18 //Bit Size: 0x1 int valid; }; //Bit Size: 0x131 struct prevhitlocationcounts_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x98 byte hitlocations[19]; //Bit Offset: 0x98 //Bit Size: 0x98 byte criticalhitlocations[19]; //Bit Offset: 0x130 //Bit Size: 0x1 int valid; }; //Bit Size: 0x49 struct prevscoreswithgametype_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x18 int score; //Bit Offset: 0x18 //Bit Size: 0x10 short kills; //Bit Offset: 0x28 //Bit Size: 0x10 short deaths; //Bit Offset: 0x38 //Bit Size: 0x10 short gametype; //Bit Offset: 0x48 //Bit Size: 0x1 int valid; }; //Bit Size: 0x384 struct afteractionreportstats_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x1 int valid; //Bit Offset: 0x1 //Bit Size: 0x1 int privatematch; //Bit Offset: 0x2 //Bit Size: 0x1 int wagermatch; //Bit Offset: 0x3 //Bit Size: 0x1 int wagermatchfailed; //Bit Offset: 0x4 //Bit Size: 0x10 short xpearned; //Bit Offset: 0x14 //Bit Size: 0x10 short cpearned; //Bit Offset: 0x24 //Bit Size: 0x10 short matchbonus; //Bit Offset: 0x34 //Bit Size: 0x10 short miscbonus; //Bit Offset: 0x44 //Bit Size: 0x10 short gametype; //Bit Offset: 0x54 //Bit Size: 0x10 short kills; //Bit Offset: 0x64 //Bit Size: 0x10 short deaths; //Bit Offset: 0x74 //Bit Size: 0x10 short bestkillstreak; //Bit Offset: 0x84 //Bit Size: 0x10 short headshots; //Bit Offset: 0x94 //Bit Size: 0x10 short score; //Bit Offset: 0xA4 //Bit Size: 0x10 short nemesisrank; //Bit Offset: 0xB4 //Bit Size: 0x10 short nemesisrankicon; //Bit Offset: 0xC4 //Bit Size: 0x10 short nemesiskills; //Bit Offset: 0xD4 //Bit Size: 0x10 short nemesiskilledby; //Bit Offset: 0xE4 //Bit Size: 0x100 char nemesisname; //Bit Offset: 0x1E4 //Bit Size: 0x40 __int64 nemesisxuid; //Bit Offset: 0x224 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte bestweaponindex; //Bit Offset: 0x22C //Bit Size: 0x10 short bestweaponaccuracy; //Bit Offset: 0x23C //Bit Size: 0x8 byte topweaponitemindex; //Bit Offset: 0x244 //Bit Size: 0x10 short topweaponkills; //Bit Offset: 0x254 //Bit Size: 0x30 short wagerawards[3]; //Bit Offset: 0x284 //Bit Size: 0x40 __int64 demofileid; //Bit Offset: 0x2C4 //Bit Size: 0x40 __int64 leagueteamid; //Bit Offset: 0x304 //Bit Size: 0x80 char lobbypopup; };
Stat Structure Part 2
//Bit Size: 0x90 struct gamemodecompletionhistory_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x18 int started; //Bit Offset: 0x18 //Bit Size: 0x18 int quit; //Bit Offset: 0x30 //Bit Size: 0x18 int dashboard; //Bit Offset: 0x48 //Bit Size: 0x18 int timeout; //Bit Offset: 0x60 //Bit Size: 0x18 int kicked; //Bit Offset: 0x78 //Bit Size: 0x18 int completed; }; //Bit Size: 0x120 struct gamemodehistorystats_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x90 gamemodecompletionhistory_s played; //Bit Offset: 0x90 //Bit Size: 0x90 gamemodecompletionhistory_s hosted; }; //Bit Size: 0xA6 struct matchhistorystats_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x20 int startingtime; //Bit Offset: 0x20 //Bit Size: 0x20 int endingtime; //Bit Offset: 0x40 //Bit Size: 0x18 int score; //Bit Offset: 0x58 //Bit Size: 0x5 int scoreboardposition; //Bit Offset: 0x5D //Bit Size: 0x10 short kills; //Bit Offset: 0x6D //Bit Size: 0x10 short deaths; //Bit Offset: 0x7D //Bit Size: 0x20 float teamscoreratio; //Bit Offset: 0x9D //Bit Size: 0x5 int gametype; //Bit Offset: 0xA2 //Bit Size: 0x3 int quittype; //Bit Offset: 0xA5 //Bit Size: 0x1 int forgiven; }; //Bit Size: 0x15E8 struct gamehistorystats_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x120 gamemodehistorystats_s modehistory; //Bit Offset: 0x120 //Bit Size: 0x14C0 matchhistorystats_s matchhistory[32]; //Bit Offset: 0x15E0 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte currentmatchhistoryindex; }; //Bit Size: 0x60 struct probation_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x20 int version; //Bit Offset: 0x20 //Bit Size: 0x20 int timewhenprobationisdone; //Bit Offset: 0x40 //Bit Size: 0x20 int count; }; //Bit Size: 0x66A struct gametypestats_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s assists; //Bit Offset: 0x30 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s cur_win_streak; //Bit Offset: 0x60 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s crush; //Bit Offset: 0x90 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s deaths; //Bit Offset: 0xC0 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s defends; //Bit Offset: 0xF0 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s kdratio; //Bit Offset: 0x120 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s kills; //Bit Offset: 0x150 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s kill_streak; //Bit Offset: 0x180 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s losses; //Bit Offset: 0x1B0 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s offends; //Bit Offset: 0x1E0 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s score; //Bit Offset: 0x210 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s ties; //Bit Offset: 0x240 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s time_played_total; //Bit Offset: 0x270 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s top3; //Bit Offset: 0x2A0 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s top3team; //Bit Offset: 0x2D0 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s topplayer; //Bit Offset: 0x300 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s wins; //Bit Offset: 0x330 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s win_streak; //Bit Offset: 0x360 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s wlratio; //Bit Offset: 0x390 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s challenge1; //Bit Offset: 0x3C0 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s challenge2; //Bit Offset: 0x3F0 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s challenge3; //Bit Offset: 0x420 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s challenge4; //Bit Offset: 0x450 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s challenge5; //Bit Offset: 0x480 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s challenge6; //Bit Offset: 0x4B0 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s challenge7; //Bit Offset: 0x4E0 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s challenge8; //Bit Offset: 0x510 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s challenge9; //Bit Offset: 0x540 //Bit Size: 0x30 intstat_s challenge10; //Bit Offset: 0x570 //Bit Size: 0xFA prevscores_s prevscores[10]; }; //Bit Size: 0x10 struct mapstats_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x10 short vote_succeeded; }; //Bit Size: 0x360 struct groupstats_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x360 intstat_s stats[weaponstat_e]; }; //Bit Size: 0x39E struct itemstat_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x1 int purchased; //Bit Offset: 0x1 //Bit Size: 0x1 int markedold; //Bit Offset: 0x2 //Bit Size: 0x3 int isproversionunlocked[3]; //Bit Offset: 0x5 //Bit Size: 0x360 intstat_s stats[weaponstat_e]; //Bit Offset: 0x365 //Bit Size: 0x1D int attachmentmarkedold[attachments_e]; //Bit Offset: 0x382 //Bit Size: 0x18 int xp; //Bit Offset: 0x39A //Bit Size: 0x4 int plevel; }; //Bit Size: 0x360 struct attachmentstats_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x360 intstat_s stats[weaponstat_e]; }; //Bit Size: 0x64 struct weaponstat_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x64 int optionmarkedasold[100]; }; //Bit Size: 0x1A4 struct cacloadout_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primary; //Bit Offset: 0x8 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primaryattachmenttop; //Bit Offset: 0x10 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primaryattachmentbottom; //Bit Offset: 0x18 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primaryattachmenttrigger; //Bit Offset: 0x20 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primaryattachmentmuzzle; //Bit Offset: 0x28 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primaryattachmentgunperk; //Bit Offset: 0x30 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primarycamo; //Bit Offset: 0x38 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primaryreticle; //Bit Offset: 0x40 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primaryreticlecolor; //Bit Offset: 0x48 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primarylens; //Bit Offset: 0x50 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primarytag; //Bit Offset: 0x58 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primaryemblem; //Bit Offset: 0x60 //Bit Size: 0x3 unsigned int primaryattachmentorder1; //Bit Offset: 0x63 //Bit Size: 0x3 unsigned int primaryattachmentorder2; //Bit Offset: 0x66 //Bit Size: 0x3 unsigned int primaryattachmentorder3; //Bit Offset: 0x69 //Bit Size: 0x3 unsigned int primaryattachmentorder4; //Bit Offset: 0x6C //Bit Size: 0x3 unsigned int primaryattachmentorder5; //Bit Offset: 0x6F //Bit Size: 0x8 byte secondary; //Bit Offset: 0x77 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte secondaryattachmenttop; //Bit Offset: 0x7F //Bit Size: 0x8 byte secondaryattachmentbottom; //Bit Offset: 0x87 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte secondaryattachmenttrigger; //Bit Offset: 0x8F //Bit Size: 0x8 byte secondaryattachmentmuzzle; //Bit Offset: 0x97 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte secondaryattachmentgunperk; //Bit Offset: 0x9F //Bit Size: 0x8 byte secondarycamo; //Bit Offset: 0xA7 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte secondaryreticle; //Bit Offset: 0xAF //Bit Size: 0x8 byte secondaryreticlecolor; //Bit Offset: 0xB7 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte secondarylens; //Bit Offset: 0xBF //Bit Size: 0x8 byte secondarytag; //Bit Offset: 0xC7 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte secondaryemblem; //Bit Offset: 0xCF //Bit Size: 0x3 unsigned int secondaryattachmentorder1; //Bit Offset: 0xD2 //Bit Size: 0x3 unsigned int secondaryattachmentorder2; //Bit Offset: 0xD5 //Bit Size: 0x3 unsigned int secondaryattachmentorder3; //Bit Offset: 0xD8 //Bit Size: 0x3 unsigned int secondaryattachmentorder4; //Bit Offset: 0xDB //Bit Size: 0x3 unsigned int secondaryattachmentorder5; //Bit Offset: 0xDE //Bit Size: 0x8 byte specialty1; //Bit Offset: 0xE6 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte specialty2; //Bit Offset: 0xEE //Bit Size: 0x8 byte specialty3; //Bit Offset: 0xF6 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte specialty4; //Bit Offset: 0xFE //Bit Size: 0x8 byte specialty5; //Bit Offset: 0x106 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte specialty6; //Bit Offset: 0x10E //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primarygrenade; //Bit Offset: 0x116 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primarygrenadecount; //Bit Offset: 0x11E //Bit Size: 0x1 unsigned int primarygrenadestatus1; //Bit Offset: 0x11F //Bit Size: 0x1 unsigned int primarygrenadestatus2; //Bit Offset: 0x120 //Bit Size: 0x1 unsigned int primarygrenadestatus3; //Bit Offset: 0x121 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte specialgrenade; //Bit Offset: 0x129 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte specialgrenadecount; //Bit Offset: 0x131 //Bit Size: 0x1 unsigned int specialgrenadestatus1; //Bit Offset: 0x132 //Bit Size: 0x1 unsigned int specialgrenadestatus2; //Bit Offset: 0x133 //Bit Size: 0x1 unsigned int specialgrenadestatus3; //Bit Offset: 0x134 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte equipment; //Bit Offset: 0x13C //Bit Size: 0x8 byte equipmentcount; //Bit Offset: 0x144 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte equipment2; //Bit Offset: 0x14C //Bit Size: 0x8 byte equipment2count; //Bit Offset: 0x154 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte bonuscard1; //Bit Offset: 0x15C //Bit Size: 0x8 byte bonuscard2; //Bit Offset: 0x164 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte bonuscard3; //Bit Offset: 0x16C //Bit Size: 0x8 unsigned int primaryattachment1; //Bit Offset: 0x174 //Bit Size: 0x8 unsigned int primaryattachment2; //Bit Offset: 0x17C //Bit Size: 0x8 unsigned int primaryattachment3; //Bit Offset: 0x184 //Bit Size: 0x8 unsigned int secondaryattachment1; //Bit Offset: 0x18C //Bit Size: 0x8 unsigned int secondaryattachment2; //Bit Offset: 0x194 //Bit Size: 0x8 unsigned int secondaryattachment3; //Bit Offset: 0x19C //Bit Size: 0x8 byte knifecamo; }; //Bit Size: 0x15A3 struct cacstatsloadoutlist_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x1068 cacloadout_s customclass[10]; //Bit Offset: 0x1068 //Bit Size: 0x500 char customclassname[10]; //Bit Offset: 0x1568 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte killstreak1; //Bit Offset: 0x1570 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte killstreak2; //Bit Offset: 0x1578 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte killstreak3; //Bit Offset: 0x1580 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte killstreak4; //Bit Offset: 0x1588 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte killstreak5; //Bit Offset: 0x1590 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte killstreak6; //Bit Offset: 0x1598 //Bit Size: 0x1 int resetwarningdisplayed; //Bit Offset: 0x1599 //Bit Size: 0x1 int classwarningdisplayed; //Bit Offset: 0x159A //Bit Size: 0x1 int iamacheater; //Bit Offset: 0x159B //Bit Size: 0x8 byte loadoutversion; }; //Bit Size: 0xAEC struct cacloadoutlist_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x834 cacloadout_s customclass[5]; //Bit Offset: 0x834 //Bit Size: 0x280 char customclassname[5]; //Bit Offset: 0xAB4 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte killstreak1; //Bit Offset: 0xABC //Bit Size: 0x8 byte killstreak2; //Bit Offset: 0xAC4 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte killstreak3; //Bit Offset: 0xACC //Bit Size: 0x8 byte killstreak4; //Bit Offset: 0xAD4 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte killstreak5; //Bit Offset: 0xADC //Bit Size: 0x8 byte killstreak6; //Bit Offset: 0xAE4 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte loadoutversion; }; //Bit Size: 0x68 struct activefriend_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x40 __int64 xuid; //Bit Offset: 0x40 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte playedcount; //Bit Offset: 0x48 //Bit Size: 0x20 unsigned int lastplayedtime; }; //Bit Size: 0x3 struct emblemicon_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x1 int purchased; //Bit Offset: 0x1 //Bit Size: 0x1 int markedold; //Bit Offset: 0x2 //Bit Size: 0x1 int unlocked; }; //Bit Size: 0x1 struct emblemlayer_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x1 int markedold; }; //Bit Size: 0x1390 struct emblemstats_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x4 int layerspurchased; //Bit Offset: 0x4 //Bit Size: 0xC emblemlayer_s layers[12]; //Bit Offset: 0x10 //Bit Size: 0xC00 emblemicon_s icons[1024]; //Bit Offset: 0xC10 //Bit Size: 0x780 emblemicon_s backgrounds[640]; }; //Bit Size: 0x2 struct clantagfeatures_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x1 int purchased; //Bit Offset: 0x1 //Bit Size: 0x1 int markedold; }; //Bit Size: 0x4C struct clantagstats_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x1C clantagfeatures_s features[clantagfeatures_e]; //Bit Offset: 0x1C //Bit Size: 0x8 byte selectedfeature; //Bit Offset: 0x24 //Bit Size: 0x28 char clanname; }; //Bit Size: 0x20 struct ipaddress_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte a; //Bit Offset: 0x8 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte b; //Bit Offset: 0x10 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte c; //Bit Offset: 0x18 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte d; }; //Bit Size: 0x140 struct consoleinfo_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x40 __int64 consoleidhigh; //Bit Offset: 0x40 //Bit Size: 0x40 __int64 consoleidlow; //Bit Offset: 0x80 //Bit Size: 0x40 __int64 macaddress; //Bit Offset: 0xC0 //Bit Size: 0x20 int usecount; //Bit Offset: 0xE0 //Bit Size: 0x20 int timestamp; //Bit Offset: 0x100 //Bit Size: 0x20 ipaddress_s ipexternal; //Bit Offset: 0x120 //Bit Size: 0x20 int nattype; }; //Bit Size: 0xB8 struct leaguestats_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte leagueid; //Bit Offset: 0x8 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte divisionid; //Bit Offset: 0x10 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte seasonid; //Bit Offset: 0x18 //Bit Size: 0x40 __int64 teamid; //Bit Offset: 0x58 //Bit Size: 0x40 __int64 subdivisionid; //Bit Offset: 0x98 //Bit Size: 0x20 int rank; }; //Bit Size: 0xD struct prestigetokens_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x1 int tokenspent; //Bit Offset: 0x1 //Bit Size: 0x4 int tokentype[prestigetokentype_e]; //Bit Offset: 0x5 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte itemunlocked; }; //Bit Size: 0x60 struct gfxdevicesupport { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x8 int deviceflags; //Bit Offset: 0x8 //Bit Size: 0x8 int devicevideostandardaspect; //Bit Offset: 0x10 //Bit Size: 0x8 int deviceconversion; //Bit Offset: 0x18 //Bit Size: 0x8 int device3d; //Bit Offset: 0x20 //Bit Size: 0x10 int devicewidth; //Bit Offset: 0x30 //Bit Size: 0x10 int deviceheight; //Bit Offset: 0x40 //Bit Size: 0x20 float devicerefreshhz; }; //Bit Size: 0x160 struct gfxgamutinfo { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x20 float xred; //Bit Offset: 0x20 //Bit Size: 0x20 float yred; //Bit Offset: 0x40 //Bit Size: 0x20 float xgreen; //Bit Offset: 0x60 //Bit Size: 0x20 float ygreen; //Bit Offset: 0x80 //Bit Size: 0x20 float xblue; //Bit Offset: 0xA0 //Bit Size: 0x20 float xwhite; //Bit Offset: 0xC0 //Bit Size: 0x20 float ywhite; //Bit Offset: 0xE0 //Bit Size: 0x20 float gammared; //Bit Offset: 0x100 //Bit Size: 0x20 float gammagreen; //Bit Offset: 0x120 //Bit Size: 0x20 float gammablue; //Bit Offset: 0x140 //Bit Size: 0x20 unsigned int gammatype; }; //Bit Size: 0x1120 struct gfxdisplayinfo { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x20 unsigned int deviceformatid; //Bit Offset: 0x20 //Bit Size: 0x20 unsigned int devicesize; //Bit Offset: 0x40 //Bit Size: 0x8 int hasedid; //Bit Offset: 0x48 //Bit Size: 0x8 int devicesupportcount; //Bit Offset: 0x50 //Bit Size: 0x8 int devicecolorspace; //Bit Offset: 0x58 //Bit Size: 0x8 int deviceconnection; //Bit Offset: 0x60 //Bit Size: 0x8 int outputdisplayvideostandard; //Bit Offset: 0x68 //Bit Size: 0x8 int outputdisplayflags; //Bit Offset: 0x70 //Bit Size: 0x10 int devicelatency; //Bit Offset: 0x80 //Bit Size: 0x10 int outputdisplaywidth; //Bit Offset: 0x90 //Bit Size: 0x10 int outputdisplayheight; //Bit Offset: 0xA0 //Bit Size: 0x20 float outputdisplayaspectratio; //Bit Offset: 0xC0 //Bit Size: 0x20 float outputdisplayhz; //Bit Offset: 0xE0 //Bit Size: 0x10 int renderdisplaywidth; //Bit Offset: 0xF0 //Bit Size: 0x10 int renderdisplayheight; //Bit Offset: 0x100 //Bit Size: 0xC00 gfxdevicesupport devicesupport[32]; //Bit Offset: 0xD00 //Bit Size: 0x160 gfxgamutinfo edidgamut; //Bit Offset: 0xE60 //Bit Size: 0x160 gfxgamutinfo referencegamut; //Bit Offset: 0xFC0 //Bit Size: 0x160 gfxgamutinfo outputgamut; }; //Bit Size: 0x960 struct youtube_t { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x800 char deviceid; //Bit Offset: 0x800 //Bit Size: 0x140 char devicekey; //Bit Offset: 0x940 //Bit Size: 0x20 int maxviewers; }; //Bit Size: 0x403 struct elitestats_t { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x400 int elitestats[32]; //Bit Offset: 0x400 //Bit Size: 0x1 int isfounder; //Bit Offset: 0x401 //Bit Size: 0x1 int ismember; //Bit Offset: 0x402 //Bit Size: 0x1 int ispayingcustomer; }; //Bit Size: 0xA0 struct dlc_t { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x20 int mappacks; //Bit Offset: 0x20 //Bit Size: 0x80 int mtx[128]; };
Profile Structure
////////////////// // VERSION 0 // ////////////////// //Bit Size: 0xA7E struct root { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x2 int quick_launch_mode; //Bit Offset: 0x2 //Bit Size: 0x1 int gpad_rumble; //Bit Offset: 0x3 //Bit Size: 0x1 int input_invertpitch; //Bit Offset: 0x4 //Bit Size: 0x20 float input_viewsensitivity; //Bit Offset: 0x24 //Bit Size: 0x1 int input_autoaim; //Bit Offset: 0x25 //Bit Size: 0x2 int team_indicator; //Bit Offset: 0x27 //Bit Size: 0x40 char ui_menucamounlocks; //Bit Offset: 0x67 //Bit Size: 0x40 char ui_menuattachunlocks; //Bit Offset: 0xA7 //Bit Size: 0x1 int cg_mature; //Bit Offset: 0xA8 //Bit Size: 0x1 int cg_blood; //Bit Offset: 0xA9 //Bit Size: 0x5 int gpad_buttonsconfig; //Bit Offset: 0xAE //Bit Size: 0x2 int gpad_sticksconfig; //Bit Offset: 0xB0 //Bit Size: 0x20 float gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max; //Bit Offset: 0xD0 //Bit Size: 0x20 float gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max; //Bit Offset: 0xF0 //Bit Size: 0x20 float r_gamma; //Bit Offset: 0x110 //Bit Size: 0x20 float snd_menu_voice; //Bit Offset: 0x130 //Bit Size: 0x20 float snd_menu_music; //Bit Offset: 0x150 //Bit Size: 0x20 float snd_menu_sfx; //Bit Offset: 0x170 //Bit Size: 0x20 float snd_menu_master; //Bit Offset: 0x190 //Bit Size: 0x20 float snd_menu_cinematic; //Bit Offset: 0x1B0 //Bit Size: 0x20 int snd_menu_hearing_impaired; //Bit Offset: 0x1D0 //Bit Size: 0x3 int snd_menu_presets; //Bit Offset: 0x1D3 //Bit Size: 0x2 int snd_menu_speaker_setup; //Bit Offset: 0x1D5 //Bit Size: 0x20 float speaker_left_front; //Bit Offset: 0x1F5 //Bit Size: 0x20 float speaker_left; //Bit Offset: 0x215 //Bit Size: 0x20 float speaker_center; //Bit Offset: 0x235 //Bit Size: 0x20 float speaker_right_front; //Bit Offset: 0x255 //Bit Size: 0x20 float speaker_right; //Bit Offset: 0x275 //Bit Size: 0x20 float speaker_left_surround; //Bit Offset: 0x295 //Bit Size: 0x20 float speaker_left_surround_back; //Bit Offset: 0x2B5 //Bit Size: 0x20 float speaker_right_surround; //Bit Offset: 0x2D5 //Bit Size: 0x20 float speaker_right_surround_back; //Bit Offset: 0x2F5 //Bit Size: 0x20 float speaker_lfe; //Bit Offset: 0x315 //Bit Size: 0x20 float snd_shoutcast_voip; //Bit Offset: 0x335 //Bit Size: 0x20 float snd_shoutcast_game; //Bit Offset: 0x355 //Bit Size: 0x20 int party_privacystatus; //Bit Offset: 0x375 //Bit Size: 0x20 int geographicalmatchmaking; //Bit Offset: 0x395 //Bit Size: 0x20 float safeareatweakable_horizontal; //Bit Offset: 0x3B5 //Bit Size: 0x20 float safeareatweakable_vertical; //Bit Offset: 0x3D5 //Bit Size: 0x20 int demo_controllerconfig; //Bit Offset: 0x3F5 //Bit Size: 0x1 int cg_drawcrosshair3d; //Bit Offset: 0x3F6 //Bit Size: 0x1 int start_in_3d; //Bit Offset: 0x3F7 //Bit Size: 0x20 float mousesensitivity; //Bit Offset: 0x417 //Bit Size: 0x5 int r_texfilteranisomin; //Bit Offset: 0x41C //Bit Size: 0x1 int flipped_control_config; //Bit Offset: 0x41D //Bit Size: 0x1 int commoninitialized; //Bit Offset: 0x41E //Bit Size: 0x1 int session_rejoin; //Bit Offset: 0x41F //Bit Size: 0x1 int colorblind_assist; //Bit Offset: 0x420 //Bit Size: 0x5 int gpad_remotebuttonsconfig; //Bit Offset: 0x425 //Bit Size: 0x5 int gpad_classicbuttonsconfig; //Bit Offset: 0x42A //Bit Size: 0x1 int showinvalidinputwarnings; //Bit Offset: 0x42B //Bit Size: 0x1 int turnwhileinvalidinput; //Bit Offset: 0x42C //Bit Size: 0x1 int ik_weaponrollenabled; //Bit Offset: 0x42D //Bit Size: 0x1 int wiiu_cameralockallowed; //Bit Offset: 0x42E //Bit Size: 0x1 int wiiu_scope_mouse_aim; //Bit Offset: 0x42F //Bit Size: 0x1 int wiiu_nunchuk_aiming_scope_enabled; //Bit Offset: 0x430 //Bit Size: 0x1 int wiiu_cod5stylescopeaiming; //Bit Offset: 0x431 //Bit Size: 0x1 int wiiu_aim_lookspring_enabled; //Bit Offset: 0x432 //Bit Size: 0x1 int wiiu_aim_accel_turnrate_enabled; //Bit Offset: 0x433 //Bit Size: 0x1 int wiiu_turret_mouse_aim; //Bit Offset: 0x434 //Bit Size: 0x1 int wiiu_nunchuk_aiming_turret_enabled; //Bit Offset: 0x435 //Bit Size: 0x20 float wiiu_aim_turnrate_yaw; //Bit Offset: 0x455 //Bit Size: 0x20 float wiiu_aim_turnrate_pitch; //Bit Offset: 0x475 //Bit Size: 0x20 float wiiu_aim_turnrate_yaw_ads; //Bit Offset: 0x495 //Bit Size: 0x20 float wiiu_aim_turnrate_pitch_ads; //Bit Offset: 0x4B5 //Bit Size: 0x20 float aim_turnrate_ramp_factor; //Bit Offset: 0x4D5 //Bit Size: 0x20 float wiiu_scope_sensitivity; //Bit Offset: 0x4F5 //Bit Size: 0x20 float wiiu_turret_sensitivity; //Bit Offset: 0x515 //Bit Size: 0x20 float wiiu_aim_deadzone_width; //Bit Offset: 0x535 //Bit Size: 0x20 float wiiu_aim_deadzone_height; //Bit Offset: 0x555 //Bit Size: 0x20 float wiiu_aim_deadzone_width_ads; //Bit Offset: 0x575 //Bit Size: 0x20 float wiiu_aim_deadzone_height_ads; //Bit Offset: 0x595 //Bit Size: 0x20 float wiiu_aim_deadzone_turret; //Bit Offset: 0x5B5 //Bit Size: 0x1 int wiiu_mustusegestures; //Bit Offset: 0x5B6 //Bit Size: 0x1 int wiiu_gesturesenabled; //Bit Offset: 0x5B7 //Bit Size: 0x20 float acc_wiiumotethreshold; //Bit Offset: 0x5D7 //Bit Size: 0x20 float acc_nunchukthreshold; //Bit Offset: 0x5F7 //Bit Size: 0x20 float wiiu_viewmodeltrackfactor_ads; //Bit Offset: 0x617 //Bit Size: 0x20 float wiiu_filter_global_sens; //Bit Offset: 0x637 //Bit Size: 0x1 int wiiu_nunchuk_aiming_invert_pitch; //Bit Offset: 0x638 //Bit Size: 0x1 int wiiu_altweaponpickup; //Bit Offset: 0x639 //Bit Size: 0x80 char lastcontrolpreset; //Bit Offset: 0x6B9 //Bit Size: 0x1 int wiiu_floating_scope_overlay; //Bit Offset: 0x6BA //Bit Size: 0x1 int wiiu_usingcustomconfig; //Bit Offset: 0x6BB //Bit Size: 0x1 int wiiu_usingdoubletapjump; //Bit Offset: 0x6BC //Bit Size: 0x1 int wiiu_usingshiftgrenade; //Bit Offset: 0x6BD //Bit Size: 0x1 int wiiu_livenotificationsenabled; //Bit Offset: 0x6BE //Bit Size: 0x3 int wiiu_reticlestyle; //Bit Offset: 0x6C1 //Bit Size: 0x20 float wiiu_reticlecenterscale; //Bit Offset: 0x6E1 //Bit Size: 0x20 float wiiu_reticleouterscale; //Bit Offset: 0x701 //Bit Size: 0x4 int wiiu_reticleinnercolorselect; //Bit Offset: 0x705 //Bit Size: 0x4 int wiiu_reticleoutercolorselect; //Bit Offset: 0x709 //Bit Size: 0x1 int wiiu_reticlebold; //Bit Offset: 0x70A //Bit Size: 0xE0 int wiiu_customkeybindsplayer[32]; //Bit Offset: 0x7EA //Bit Size: 0xE0 int wiiu_customkeybindsplayer2[32]; //Bit Offset: 0x8CA //Bit Size: 0xE0 int wiiu_customkeybindstwist[32]; //Bit Offset: 0x9AA //Bit Size: 0xE int wiiu_customgesturebinds[2]; //Bit Offset: 0x9B8 //Bit Size: 0x5 int wiiu_lastremotebuttonlayout; //Bit Offset: 0x9BD //Bit Size: 0xC0 int wiiu_demonwarepassword[24]; //Bit Offset: 0xA7D //Bit Size: 0x1 int wiiu_voicechatenabled; };
Profile Setting Functions
self setclientprofilevar("var", value); setlocalprofilevar("var", value); setlocalprofilearrayvar("var", arrayIndex, value); getlocalprofileint("var"); getlocalprofilearrayint("var", arrayIndex); getlocalprofilefloat("var"); getlocalprofilestring("var");
Session Info Structure
/*You can either track down the structure in memory, or simply use the setting names with the gsc functions. uk6 is an unknown type of time. bit 0 is 15 seconds, bit 1 is 30 seconds. So the smallest time limit one can get down to is only 15 seconds.*/ ////////////////// // VERSION 4 // ////////////////// //Bit Size: 0x4F8C struct root { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x8 uk6 timelimit; //Bit Offset: 0x8 //Bit Size: 0xF int scorelimit; //Bit Offset: 0x17 //Bit Size: 0x4 int roundlimit; //Bit Offset: 0x1B //Bit Size: 0x4 int roundswitch; //Bit Offset: 0x1F //Bit Size: 0x4 int roundwinlimit; //Bit Offset: 0x23 //Bit Size: 0x7 int playernumlives; //Bit Offset: 0x2A //Bit Size: 0xA int playermaxhealth; //Bit Offset: 0x34 //Bit Size: 0x8 uk6 playerhealthregentime; //Bit Offset: 0x3C //Bit Size: 0x8 uk6 playersprinttime; //Bit Offset: 0x44 //Bit Size: 0x8 uk6 waverespawndelay; //Bit Offset: 0x4C //Bit Size: 0x8 uk6 playerrespawndelay; //Bit Offset: 0x54 //Bit Size: 0x8 uk6 playerobjectiveheldrespawndelay; //Bit Offset: 0x5C //Bit Size: 0x1 int playerforcerespawn; //Bit Offset: 0x5D //Bit Size: 0x1 int playerqueuedrespawn; //Bit Offset: 0x5E //Bit Size: 0x6 int spawnprotectiontime; //Bit Offset: 0x64 //Bit Size: 0xA int leaderbonus; //Bit Offset: 0x6E //Bit Size: 0x1 int deathpointloss; //Bit Offset: 0x6F //Bit Size: 0x5 int teamscoreperkill; //Bit Offset: 0x74 //Bit Size: 0x5 int teamscoreperdeath; //Bit Offset: 0x79 //Bit Size: 0x5 int teamscoreperheadshot; //Bit Offset: 0x7E //Bit Size: 0x5 int teamscoreperkillconfirmed; //Bit Offset: 0x83 //Bit Size: 0x5 int teamscoreperkilldenied; //Bit Offset: 0x88 //Bit Size: 0x5 int pointsperprimarykill; //Bit Offset: 0x8D //Bit Size: 0x5 int pointspersecondarykill; //Bit Offset: 0x92 //Bit Size: 0x5 int pointsperprimarygrenadekill; //Bit Offset: 0x97 //Bit Size: 0x5 int pointspermeleekill; //Bit Offset: 0x9C //Bit Size: 0x5 int pointsperweaponkill; //Bit Offset: 0xA1 //Bit Size: 0x5 int pointsforsurvivalbonus; //Bit Offset: 0xA6 //Bit Size: 0x1 int wagermatchhud; //Bit Offset: 0xA7 //Bit Size: 0x1 int allowannouncer; //Bit Offset: 0xA8 //Bit Size: 0x1 int allowbattlechatter; //Bit Offset: 0xA9 //Bit Size: 0x1 int loadoutkillstreaksenabled; //Bit Offset: 0xAA //Bit Size: 0x8 uk6 cratecapturetime; //Bit Offset: 0xB2 //Bit Size: 0x1 int vehiclesenabled; //Bit Offset: 0xB3 //Bit Size: 0x1 int vehiclestimed; //Bit Offset: 0xB4 //Bit Size: 0x1 int perksenabled; //Bit Offset: 0xB5 //Bit Size: 0x1 int allowkillcam; //Bit Offset: 0xB6 //Bit Size: 0x1 int allowfinalkillcam; //Bit Offset: 0xB7 //Bit Size: 0x1 int onlyheadshots; //Bit Offset: 0xB8 //Bit Size: 0x2 int forceradar; //Bit Offset: 0xBA //Bit Size: 0x2 int allowhitmarkers; //Bit Offset: 0xBC //Bit Size: 0x8 uk6 bulletdamagescalar; //Bit Offset: 0xC4 //Bit Size: 0x1 int disabletacinsert; //Bit Offset: 0xC5 //Bit Size: 0x1 int disableattachments; //Bit Offset: 0xC6 //Bit Size: 0x1 int disablecontracts; //Bit Offset: 0xC7 //Bit Size: 0x1 int allowmapscripting; //Bit Offset: 0xC8 //Bit Size: 0x6 int prematchperiod; //Bit Offset: 0xCE //Bit Size: 0x6 int preroundperiod; //Bit Offset: 0xD4 //Bit Size: 0xA uk6 capturetime; //Bit Offset: 0xDE //Bit Size: 0xA uk6 bombtimer; //Bit Offset: 0xE8 //Bit Size: 0x8 uk6 planttime; //Bit Offset: 0xF0 //Bit Size: 0x8 uk6 defusetime; //Bit Offset: 0xF8 //Bit Size: 0xA uk6 extratime; //Bit Offset: 0x102 //Bit Size: 0xA uk6 overtimetimelimit; //Bit Offset: 0x10C //Bit Size: 0x7 int idleflagresettime; //Bit Offset: 0x113 //Bit Size: 0x7 int idleflagdecay; //Bit Offset: 0x11A //Bit Size: 0x7 int flagrespawntime; //Bit Offset: 0x121 //Bit Size: 0x9 int autodestroytime; //Bit Offset: 0x12A //Bit Size: 0x3 int objectivepingtime; //Bit Offset: 0x12D //Bit Size: 0x7 int objectivespawntime; //Bit Offset: 0x134 //Bit Size: 0x7 int destroytime; //Bit Offset: 0x13B //Bit Size: 0x7 int flagdecaytime; //Bit Offset: 0x142 //Bit Size: 0xA int flagcapturegraceperiod; //Bit Offset: 0x14C //Bit Size: 0x1 int silentplant; //Bit Offset: 0x14D //Bit Size: 0x4 int setbacks; //Bit Offset: 0x151 //Bit Size: 0x3 int gunselection; //Bit Offset: 0x154 //Bit Size: 0x1 int hotpotato; //Bit Offset: 0x155 //Bit Size: 0x1 int multibomb; //Bit Offset: 0x156 //Bit Size: 0x2 int enemycarriervisible; //Bit Offset: 0x158 //Bit Size: 0x1 int kothmode; //Bit Offset: 0x159 //Bit Size: 0x1 int delayplayer; //Bit Offset: 0x15A //Bit Size: 0x2 int randomobjectivelocations; //Bit Offset: 0x15C //Bit Size: 0x1 int idleflagdecay; //Bit Offset: 0x15D //Bit Size: 0x1 int scoreperplayer; //Bit Offset: 0x15E //Bit Size: 0x7 int weapontimer; //Bit Offset: 0x165 //Bit Size: 0x5 int weaponcount; //Bit Offset: 0x16A //Bit Size: 0x3 int spectatetype; //Bit Offset: 0x16D //Bit Size: 0x1 int allowspectating; //Bit Offset: 0x16E //Bit Size: 0x1 int disablethirdpersonspectating; //Bit Offset: 0x16F //Bit Size: 0x4 int teamcount; //Bit Offset: 0x173 //Bit Size: 0x1 int autoteambalance; //Bit Offset: 0x174 //Bit Size: 0x1 int allowingameteamchange; //Bit Offset: 0x175 //Bit Size: 0x4 int teamkillpunishcount; //Bit Offset: 0x179 //Bit Size: 0x4 int teamkillpenalty; //Bit Offset: 0x17D //Bit Size: 0x8 uk6 teamkillreducedpenalty; //Bit Offset: 0x185 //Bit Size: 0x6 int teamkillscore; //Bit Offset: 0x18B //Bit Size: 0x5 int teamkillspawndelay; //Bit Offset: 0x190 //Bit Size: 0x1 int teamkillpointloss; //Bit Offset: 0x191 //Bit Size: 0x8 uk6 roundstartexplosivedelay; //Bit Offset: 0x199 //Bit Size: 0x8 uk6 roundstartkillstreakdelay; //Bit Offset: 0x1A1 //Bit Size: 0x1 int voipdeadchatwithdead; //Bit Offset: 0x1A2 //Bit Size: 0x1 int voipdeadchatwithteam; //Bit Offset: 0x1A3 //Bit Size: 0x1 int voipdeadhearallliving; //Bit Offset: 0x1A4 //Bit Size: 0x1 int voipdeadhearkiller; //Bit Offset: 0x1A5 //Bit Size: 0x1 int voipdeadhearteamliving; //Bit Offset: 0x1A6 //Bit Size: 0x1 int voipeveryonehearseveryone; //Bit Offset: 0x1A7 //Bit Size: 0x1 int voipkillershearvictim; //Bit Offset: 0x1A8 //Bit Size: 0x4 int playerkillsmax; //Bit Offset: 0x1AC //Bit Size: 0x5 int totalkillsmax; //Bit Offset: 0x1B1 //Bit Size: 0x8 int maxplayeroffensive; //Bit Offset: 0x1B9 //Bit Size: 0x8 int maxplayerdefensive; //Bit Offset: 0x1C1 //Bit Size: 0x9 uk6 maxplayereventsperminute; //Bit Offset: 0x1CA //Bit Size: 0x9 uk6 maxobjectiveeventsperminute; //Bit Offset: 0x1D3 //Bit Size: 0xA int antiboostdistance; //Bit Offset: 0x1DD //Bit Size: 0x1 int allowprone; //Bit Offset: 0x1DE //Bit Size: 0x1 int allowaimslowdown; //Bit Offset: 0x1DF //Bit Size: 0x1 int disallowprone; //Bit Offset: 0x1E0 //Bit Size: 0x1 int disallowaimslowdown; //Bit Offset: 0x1E1 //Bit Size: 0x1 int roundscorecarry; //Bit Offset: 0x1E2 //Bit Size: 0x1 int hardcoremode; //Bit Offset: 0x1E3 //Bit Size: 0x2 int friendlyfiretype; //Bit Offset: 0x1E5 //Bit Size: 0x1 unsigned int disableweapondrop; //Bit Offset: 0x1E6 //Bit Size: 0x1 int disableambientfx; //Bit Offset: 0x1E7 //Bit Size: 0x1 int disablecac; //Bit Offset: 0x1E8 //Bit Size: 0x1 int disableclassselection; //Bit Offset: 0x1E9 //Bit Size: 0x5 int maxallocation; //Bit Offset: 0x1EE //Bit Size: 0x4C74 cacloadoutlist_s cacloadouts[7]; //Bit Offset: 0x4E62 //Bit Size: 0x100 int restricteditems[256]; //Bit Offset: 0x4F62 //Bit Size: 0x20 int restrictedattachments[32]; //Bit Offset: 0x4F82 //Bit Size: 0x1 int presetclassesperteam; //Bit Offset: 0x4F83 //Bit Size: 0x1 int zmdifficulty; //Bit Offset: 0x4F84 //Bit Size: 0x5 int startround; //Bit Offset: 0x4F89 //Bit Size: 0x1 int magic; //Bit Offset: 0x4F8A //Bit Size: 0x1 int headshotsonly; //Bit Offset: 0x4F8B //Bit Size: 0x1 int allowdogs; }; //Bit Size: 0x1A4 struct cacloadout_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primary; //Bit Offset: 0x8 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primaryattachmenttop; //Bit Offset: 0x10 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primaryattachmentbottom; //Bit Offset: 0x18 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primaryattachmenttrigger; //Bit Offset: 0x20 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primaryattachmentmuzzle; //Bit Offset: 0x28 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primaryattachmentgunperk; //Bit Offset: 0x30 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primarycamo; //Bit Offset: 0x38 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primaryreticle; //Bit Offset: 0x40 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primaryreticlecolor; //Bit Offset: 0x48 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primarylens; //Bit Offset: 0x50 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primarytag; //Bit Offset: 0x58 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primaryemblem; //Bit Offset: 0x60 //Bit Size: 0x3 unsigned int primaryattachmentorder1; //Bit Offset: 0x63 //Bit Size: 0x3 unsigned int primaryattachmentorder2; //Bit Offset: 0x66 //Bit Size: 0x3 unsigned int primaryattachmentorder3; //Bit Offset: 0x69 //Bit Size: 0x3 unsigned int primaryattachmentorder4; //Bit Offset: 0x6C //Bit Size: 0x3 unsigned int primaryattachmentorder5; //Bit Offset: 0x6F //Bit Size: 0x8 byte secondary; //Bit Offset: 0x77 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte secondaryattachmenttop; //Bit Offset: 0x7F //Bit Size: 0x8 byte secondaryattachmentbottom; //Bit Offset: 0x87 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte secondaryattachmenttrigger; //Bit Offset: 0x8F //Bit Size: 0x8 byte secondaryattachmentmuzzle; //Bit Offset: 0x97 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte secondaryattachmentgunperk; //Bit Offset: 0x9F //Bit Size: 0x8 byte secondarycamo; //Bit Offset: 0xA7 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte secondaryreticle; //Bit Offset: 0xAF //Bit Size: 0x8 byte secondaryreticlecolor; //Bit Offset: 0xB7 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte secondarylens; //Bit Offset: 0xBF //Bit Size: 0x8 byte secondarytag; //Bit Offset: 0xC7 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte secondaryemblem; //Bit Offset: 0xCF //Bit Size: 0x3 unsigned int secondaryattachmentorder1; //Bit Offset: 0xD2 //Bit Size: 0x3 unsigned int secondaryattachmentorder2; //Bit Offset: 0xD5 //Bit Size: 0x3 unsigned int secondaryattachmentorder3; //Bit Offset: 0xD8 //Bit Size: 0x3 unsigned int secondaryattachmentorder4; //Bit Offset: 0xDB //Bit Size: 0x3 unsigned int secondaryattachmentorder5; //Bit Offset: 0xDE //Bit Size: 0x8 byte specialty1; //Bit Offset: 0xE6 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte specialty2; //Bit Offset: 0xEE //Bit Size: 0x8 byte specialty3; //Bit Offset: 0xF6 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte specialty4; //Bit Offset: 0xFE //Bit Size: 0x8 byte specialty5; //Bit Offset: 0x106 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte specialty6; //Bit Offset: 0x10E //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primarygrenade; //Bit Offset: 0x116 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte primarygrenadecount; //Bit Offset: 0x11E //Bit Size: 0x1 unsigned int primarygrenadestatus1; //Bit Offset: 0x11F //Bit Size: 0x1 unsigned int primarygrenadestatus2; //Bit Offset: 0x120 //Bit Size: 0x1 unsigned int primarygrenadestatus3; //Bit Offset: 0x121 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte specialgrenade; //Bit Offset: 0x129 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte specialgrenadecount; //Bit Offset: 0x131 //Bit Size: 0x1 unsigned int specialgrenadestatus1; //Bit Offset: 0x132 //Bit Size: 0x1 unsigned int specialgrenadestatus2; //Bit Offset: 0x133 //Bit Size: 0x1 unsigned int specialgrenadestatus3; //Bit Offset: 0x134 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte equipment; //Bit Offset: 0x13C //Bit Size: 0x8 byte equipmentcount; //Bit Offset: 0x144 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte equipment2; //Bit Offset: 0x14C //Bit Size: 0x8 byte equipment2count; //Bit Offset: 0x154 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte bonuscard1; //Bit Offset: 0x15C //Bit Size: 0x8 byte bonuscard2; //Bit Offset: 0x164 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte bonuscard3; //Bit Offset: 0x16C //Bit Size: 0x8 unsigned int primaryattachment1; //Bit Offset: 0x174 //Bit Size: 0x8 unsigned int primaryattachment2; //Bit Offset: 0x17C //Bit Size: 0x8 unsigned int primaryattachment3; //Bit Offset: 0x184 //Bit Size: 0x8 unsigned int secondaryattachment1; //Bit Offset: 0x18C //Bit Size: 0x8 unsigned int secondaryattachment2; //Bit Offset: 0x194 //Bit Size: 0x8 unsigned int secondaryattachment3; //Bit Offset: 0x19C //Bit Size: 0x8 byte knifecamo; }; //Bit Size: 0x15A3 struct cacstatsloadoutlist_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x1068 cacloadout_s customclass[10]; //Bit Offset: 0x1068 //Bit Size: 0x500 char customclassname[10]; //Bit Offset: 0x1568 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte killstreak1; //Bit Offset: 0x1570 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte killstreak2; //Bit Offset: 0x1578 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte killstreak3; //Bit Offset: 0x1580 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte killstreak4; //Bit Offset: 0x1588 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte killstreak5; //Bit Offset: 0x1590 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte killstreak6; //Bit Offset: 0x1598 //Bit Size: 0x1 int resetwarningdisplayed; //Bit Offset: 0x1599 //Bit Size: 0x1 int classwarningdisplayed; //Bit Offset: 0x159A //Bit Size: 0x1 int iamacheater; //Bit Offset: 0x159B //Bit Size: 0x8 byte loadoutversion; }; //Bit Size: 0xAEC struct cacloadoutlist_s { //Bit Offset: 0x0 //Bit Size: 0x834 cacloadout_s customclass[5]; //Bit Offset: 0x834 //Bit Size: 0x280 char customclassname[5]; //Bit Offset: 0xAB4 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte killstreak1; //Bit Offset: 0xABC //Bit Size: 0x8 byte killstreak2; //Bit Offset: 0xAC4 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte killstreak3; //Bit Offset: 0xACC //Bit Size: 0x8 byte killstreak4; //Bit Offset: 0xAD4 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte killstreak5; //Bit Offset: 0xADC //Bit Size: 0x8 byte killstreak6; //Bit Offset: 0xAE4 //Bit Size: 0x8 byte loadoutversion; };
Session Info Functions
sessionmodeisonlinegame(); sessionmodeisprivateonlinegame(); sessionmodeisprivate(); sessionmodeissystemlink(); sessionmodeiszombiesgame(); gamemodeismode(gamemode); gamemodeisusingxp(); gamemodeisusingstats(); getgametypesetting(setting); setgametypesetting(setting, value);
String Table Asset Functions
tablelookupfindcoreasset(stringTableName); //For the following functions, stringTable can either be a string of the assets name, or the string table's index. This function looks up the string table's index. Note that this is faster than finding it every time, so this should be used for multiple table lookups. tablelookup(stringTable, searchIndex, searchString, outputIndex); //This would search stringTable for the searchString in the column searchColumnIndex, and print the item in column outputColumnIndex in that row. Also note that this function takes a maximum of 8 arguments. tablelookupistring(stringTable, searchColumnIndex, searchString, outputColumnIndex); //Same as above, except it returns the value as an istring as opposed to a string. An istring would be defined as &"", used for denoting localized strings. Max of 4 arguments. tablelookuprownum(stringTable, searchColumnIndex, searchString); //Similar to the above except it returns the row number the searchString is found on (in the column searchColumnIndex of course). tablelookupcolumnforrow(stringTable, rowIndex, columnIndex); //Standard(x,y) lookup.
Randomize Numbers
randomint(max); randomfloat(max); randomintrange(min,max); randomfloatrange(min,max);
Type Identifiers
isstring(obj); isint(obj); isfloat(obj); isvec(obj); isarray(obj); isalive(obj); isspawner(obj); isplayer(obj); isai(obj); issentient(obj); isvehicle(obj);
String Operations
issubstr(originalString, subStrToFind); getSubStr(string, startOffset, ...); toLower(string); toUpper(string); strtok(string, token); //Splits a string into an array at the token points
Math Functions
sin(theta); cos(theta); tan(theta); asin(theta); acos(theta); atan(theta); int(value);// ToInt float(value);// ToFloat istring(value); //ToString min(val1, val2); max(val1, val2); floor(value);//Round down ceil(value); //Round up sqrt(value); pow(value, exp); distance(start, end); distance2D(start, end); distanceSquared(start, end); //Comparing a^2 to b is much faster than a to sqrt(b) distance2DSquared(start, end); length(vector); lengthSquared(vector); closer(start, trueIfCloser, falseIfCloser); vectordot(vec1, vec2); vectorcross(vec1, vec2); vectornormalize(vector);
Other Helpful GSC Checks/Tools I've Made or Found
isHex(value) { //To Check for a value being hexidecimal if(isDefined(value) && value.size == 1) return (value == "a" || value == "b" || value == "c" || value == "d" || value == "e" || value == "f" || value == "0" || value == "1" || value == "2" || value == "3" || value == "4" || value == "5" || value == "6" || value == "7" || value == "8" || value == "9"); else if(isDefined(value)) for(i=0;i<value.size;i++) if(!isHex(value[i])) return false; return true; } waitForPlayers(requiredPlayersCount) { quit = false; while( !quit ) { wait 0.5; count = 0; foreach(player in level.players){ if(player isInGame()) count++; } if(count >= requiredPlayersCount) break; } } isInGame() { return self.pers["team"] != "spectator" && self.health && self.sessionstate == "playing" && isDefined(self); } waitTillNotMoving() //Check to wait until you aren't moving { prevorigin = self.origin; while(isDefined(self)) { wait .15; if (self.origin == prevorigin) break; prevorigin = self.origin; } } DA(v,c) //Sticky DVARS. These ones are defined as such until the server resets. There are a limit to how many can be set. { setDvar(v,c); //current game DVAR makedvarserverinfo(v,c); //'infection' game DVAR. } FreeUpHuds() //To free up extra huds in-case you need more. { self thread maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic_ui::freegameplayhudelems(); self thread maps/mp/killstreaks/_killstreaks::destroykillstreaktimers(); } KillStreakToggler(mode) //Disable/Enable Killstreaks. { if(mode == "disable") { self setactionslot( 1, "" ); self setactionslot( 2, "" ); self setactionslot( 3, "" ); self setactionslot( 4, "" ); } else if(mode == "enable") self maps\mp\gametypes\_class::givekillstreaks(self.class_num); } ResetGameDvars() //Reset game dvars { setDvar("timescale", "1"); setDvar("g_speed", "200"); setDvar("player_meleeRange", "64"); setDvar("cg_overheadnamessize","0.65"); setDvar("r_poisonFX_debug_enable", "0"); setDvar("cg_gun_x", "0"); setDvar("cg_gun_y", "0"); setDvar("cg_gun_z", "0"); setDvar("timescale", "1"); setDvar("scr_killcam_time",5); setDvar("cg_enemyNameFadeOut",250); setDvar("cg_enemyNameFadeIn",250); setDvar("cg_drawThroughWalls",0); setDvar("perk_weapRateMultiplier","1"); setDvar("perk_weapReloadMultiplier","1"); setDvar("perk_fireproof","1"); setDvar("cg_weaponSimulateFireAnims","1"); setDvar("probation_public_enabled", "0"); setDvar("probation_league_enabled", "0"); setDvar("probation_public_forgiveCount", "500"); setDvar("probation_league_forgiveCount", "500"); setDvar("probation_public_probationTime", "0"); setDvar("probation_league_probationTime", "0"); if(getDvar("g_gametype")== "tdm") setgametypesetting("scorelimit",75); if(getDvar("g_gametype")== "dom") setgametypesetting("scorelimit",200); if(getDvar("g_gametype")== "dm") setgametypesetting("scorelimit",30); }
This is it for now. I can add/edit whatever you think needs to be edited. I hope this helps everyone.
Nice thread, I wasn't aware of some of these structs.
This post is deleted!
mikzy said in [Resource] Stat Modification, Checks, Other Structures..:
Deicide To fix Redacted not working, you need to be Level 1 with no prestige.
Yeah i found that out by myself. It's so crappy. -
Deicide I am trying to get in touch with you!! Can't seem to find a way anywhere... If you can contact me on Discord I have something you may be very interested in! I hope you get this, looking forward to hearing from you!
JohnWick#0001 ← (Prefer)
[email protected] -
Deicide Would this be possible to do for EVERY stat not just ranks.
For example: weapon XP/Camo unlocks & calling cards.
Any luck finding out anything? I may have a play around with the above but I think it’s out my area! Would love to be able to bypass the headshot challenges for camos and be able to focus on the 2nd chunk (skulls, cherry blossom, art of war, etc.) as it takes so long.
I think I’d consider paying someone to find out how to set my headshots to 200 on each weapon lol
(‘Jackademus’ on steam if anyone has any ideas, would appreciate any help)
Thanks! -
DAW5ON said in [Resource] Stat Modification, Checks, Other Structures..:
sorry this is faze ninja i changed my name.
I figured out that after a game or 2 just copy the command and paste it in the console 3-5 times and it seems to work, i've been doing this for a few months and im at prestige 5 with legit stats diamond camos on smg's and AR's
p.s this works for literaly everything!
I'm new to the Plutonium modding, found this post but the below tutorial link was dead, anyone can access to it or still keep the content, could you guy re-post it?