Black Ops 1 Server Round Lock ( Customizable )
What This Script Does:
Keeps your server unlocked until a round YOU choose.
Once that round hits, it locks the server and generates a random 4-digit password.
Tells players the password and how to rejoin using the console.
How It Works:
Before the round you choose, anyone can join like normal.
After the round you set, BOOM, the server locks.
Players will see a message in the game with the password. Message will repeat in between each round so players don't forget
#include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\_utility; init() { executeCommand( "g_password \"\"" ); level thread SetPasswordsOnRound( 35 ); level.locked = false; } setPasswordsOnRound( roundNumber ) { level endon( "disconnect" ); while ( true ) { level waittill( "between_round_over" ); if ( level.round_number >= roundNumber ) { level.locked = true; pin = generateString(); executeCommand("g_password " + pin); executeCommand("password " + pin); level thread messageRepeat( "^2Server is now locked. Use password ^1" + pin + " ^2to rejoin." ); break; } } } messageRepeat( message ) { level endon( "disconnect" ); while ( true ) { iPrintLn( message ); level waittill( "between_round_over" ); } } generateString() { str = ""; for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { str = str + randomInt( 10 ); } return str; }
Thank you! I've been looking for ages trying to find a solution.
Just a suggestion, it is possible to get the text to appear either longer or to keep the pin in the corner permanently? When I tested it only shows for a few seconds which might not give people enough time to make note of the rejoin pin?
MBHGB Yeah you can do that with a pretty simple Hud element. Just have it display where you want it on the screen and destroy it after sometime. The script i sent will display it at the start of every round so they should have no issue making a note of the password
could alternatively use iprintlnbold in replace of iprintln to display it in center of screen
DJseanyB Thanks I’ll give this a shot. Didn’t realise it shows every round.