ZM - All weapon skin pack by mwnxd (me)
Naomi_ Hi, I wanted to know if we can download them with a working link?
[KI]Val09 So there is no way to get these skins?
@Kusanagi_Z idk man, maybe if somebody has the files or if the guy from this accont comes back
Very Nice Pack
[KI]Val09 Well, we'll have to wait, thanks.
@Kusanagi_Z i found this guys pack he has them in there but this is the closest i could find to that pack. he has hundres of other camos but this pack is in the mesh aswell u could filter maybe.
dm me cuz i cant post links add my discord: itzverse -
WillieHutJr I sent you a request a day ago to send me the mods if you can
how does no one have this file anymore? or why did the creator take this down?
hey the skin not there can you reupload it
pls me and my friends really want to use those skins -
i found a download link in the sscustoms discord server under the bo2 channel both files are named Wpn_1.rar and Wpn_2.rar posted by mowen on march 24th 2022
you can join the discord on zombacus under patners -
Evvex i did exactly what you said and I found it, THANK YOU I WAS LOOKING FOREVER
anyone got a new link from this pack it says invalid
undefined GhostRider0125 referenced this topic on
can someone add my discord pxdcoo and give me the file for only the coloured buildables turbine etc all of that
the download link expired
undefined Xerxes moved this topic from BO2 Modding Releases & Resources
Naomi_ Hi so i know this is years later but i wanted to ask if this was still up because the download link doesnt work and your discord doesnt either. if anyone has the files please reply to this as id love to use this pack! Thanks