Connection interrupted
I get "Connection interrupted" with a disconnect error "EXE_ERR_SERVER_TIMEOUT"
Happens on most servers. Usually i can connect to only one or two, not specific servers.
Since its not happening on all of the servers i believe its a plutonium server-side issue or the servers i wont connect are probably hosted on some ISP that has issues with my ISP.
Any ideas? I saw the other threads about this but there is nothing specific? Let me know if you want any more info. I see that after the map is changed it happens even i've had established connection in the first place. Thats fine, but i see the others players after i disconnect that they stay on the server, so the server remains populated. That means the problem is probably between me and the servers i try to connect. Is it the routing or something? Does someone else has that at the moment at does someone managed to get rid of this problem? If yes please advice. Thanks. -
Sounds a bit like your PC takes forever to load into maps, causing the connection to the servers to time out.
Well, theres a few second to which i am connected. I can see gameplay for a second then it drops connection. In-game i have 400 even higher fps on max settings. I tried turning the shader warming off but i dont think thats the case. I load a map within few seconds. How much us forever then? On the steam version i dont have this issue. You prob know better then me. How can we check?
bump bump
HRSHUSTLE Did you ever find a solution? I'm having the same isssue
necro.. having the same issue
aska_ Well i've found one. I've quited the game xD. Let me know if you still have a problem ill install the launcher again since im already with a brand new machine and a different ISP so we can check. Hell even play it a little.
EDIT: I think i did a bunch of stuff actually.
Check do you have a public IP or you are behind CGNAT. See in your routers status page the IP it takes and then google my ip and compare them. If they are the same you have hope. If the IP in the router starts with 10 then its 100% private IP and you should continue to search for a solution. But If you have pub ip ->
First make sure you have enabled the connection of bo1.exe in the firewall. make a an outbound and inbound rule in the firewall settings of windows or just disable the wall completely if you feel frisky enough.
2nd make sure you have a static ip assigned either in the Network Connection properties in windows or in the router settings assigned a static lan ip on the pc's mac address if you have dhcp enabled.
3rd Forward this ports on both TCP and UDP in the router.
TCP 3074, 4976, 27014-27050, 28960
UDP 3074, 3478-4976, 27000-27030, 28960
Theres is a strange thing about windows sometimes you have the ports opened but they still appear to be closed. Thats perhaps because you need to forward them within windows also cause "Microsoft" inside Network>Router-Right Click>Properties
You can make a DMZ for the specific ip of the pc if you dont wanna bother doing all the above ports but its not recommended of course for the security concerns.
Make sure you have enabled uPNP in both windows services and your router.
Restart the router and the machine.
Make sure you limit the FPS cap. Strange things happen if you have high fps like above 600.
Pray on salt if this works.