Y si hacemos un egg
Discord : TheJuanCoc
Por si gustan agregar -
aun se puede?
agg a discord, me llamo igual en dc
JCLAM__AMG Brother, can I ask you? I cannot log in with people to play with them, and even the map image does not appear to me, but when I log in alone, I play normally, and online they do not say to reload it again or anything like that, and I downloaded it again and the same problem. Can you help me?
frost9 Hello, how are you, brother? First of all, I need you to explain to me in detail what mistakes you have. You tell me that the online servers don't connect to you, right? But that you can be in local games alone?
Now you also mentioned something about the map, explain that to me well bro
Finally, not being able to connect to online servers you can check your plutonium permissions with the Windows firewalls that have to be activated, the other thing you can try to do is remove plutonium and reinstall it since lately it is failing in some cases because they do not let the laucher updates be installed correctly
zSereck claro bro mandame soli aqui en plutonium para despues jugar
Gh0sT_131 thank you broo
añadan en discord pa jugar
discord: taxgod
Gh0sT_131 claro bro ademas tambien quiero jugar rondas con zombies o multijugador
Gh0sT_131 agreguen a dicord lalcb hacemos un grupo y jugamos ahi
yo soy re malo en ambos modos pero diversion no falta
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Adansihno nombre de tu discord?
Puedo unirme?
Code_Zero000 claro bro solo pasame tu nombre de tu discord para jugar
Gh0sT_131 gracias bro, es seb_asdev